
Is PC Optimum down? ❌


PC Optimum is a loyalty program offered by Loblaw Companies Limited, one of the largest retail companies in Canada. The program allows customers to earn points on their purchases at participating stores and then redeem those points for discounts on future purchases. PC Optimum is a merger of two previous loyalty programs: PC Plus and Shoppers Optimum

No problems at PC Optimum

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 21 Dec 2023Back to today
Logo21 Dec03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00


There were no incidents detected with PC Optimum on 21 Dec 2023.

Outage Map📍

PC Optimum outage map · 21 Dec 2023

Reports Summary

Overall on 21 Dec 2023 we received report mainly from Kitchener


Anyone else having issues with their PC Optimum card/App. The card number bar code is not populating and I can’t seem to get a hold of any support for the past 4 days @pc_optimum #pcoptimumpoints #optimummember #frustrated