
Is Stackoverflow down? ❌


Stack Overflow is a question and answer platform for programmers. It allows developers to ask questions and get answers from other programmers around the world. It covers a wide range of programming topics and has a large community of active users. Stack Overflow also includes features such as reputation points and badges to encourage participation and reward expertise.

No problems at Stackoverflow


The one thing I love about the internet is that there is always one person who has been in the exact same problem as you, but many years ago. I love you stackoverflow and programming discord servers.


Which one do you prefer to resolve your issue ? Stack Overflow Chat GPT Documentation


Who's your Friend for an Issue ?? Stack Overflow Chat GPT Documentation


This is peak Google 2024. Search for basic networking question. Get AI/SEO slop probably plagiarized first. The real answer written by humans (stack overflow/Ask Ubuntu) is down the page


When chatGPT tries to insist your problem must be related to the IDE even when you have explained 100 times you use vim.... this is when stackoverflow.


How amateur developers fix bugs: - Blindly copy paste code from Stack Overflow and Copilot - Don't ask help - Accept the first working solution How the pros do it - Read the error message - Ask help from teammates - Try to understand the "why"


Monday is: work.push(urgentThing); work.push(urgentThing); work.push(urgentThing); work.push(urgentThing); Stack overflow error!


Today while working on my Personal Project, I encountered a bug. After spending around 2-3 hours searching through Flutter documentation, YouTube, Stack Overflow, and even consulting GPT. I finally identified the issue: I had added an extra "tab" in my Pubspec.yaml file. 😵‍💫😵‍💫


When Chat GPT is down, Stackoverflow gets a surge spike in users 😂📈


Programming is fun until you encounter an error not on StackOverflow. 😊 #programming


Write code → Encounter an error → Google it → Find a solution on Stack Overflow → Copy & paste → New error appears → Repeat. Feels like I'm stuck in an endless loop.🥲


Just spent 3 hours tracking down a "random" iOS PhotoLibrary update crash issue. Asked ChatGPT. It gave me some PR-from-Fortune-500 result. You can't pick anything wrong with it but *** it's unhelpful. (Dare I say, a hint of passive aggressive.) StackOverflow solved it for me.


A bug chatGPT couldn’t solve in 3 days, stack overflow did it in 5mins Experienced Developers 1-0 A.I


php - How to check if move_uploaded_file function has error - Stack Overflow


If you are stuck somewhere in your project then what will you use first ChatGPT or Stack Overflow ?


AI coding tool ChatGPT is causing frustration as it lacks up-to-date information and struggles to solve coding errors. We're back to the pre-Stack Overflow era! 😢


Google Search Engine Stack overflow ChatGPT DEVIN ... All are same... They are just technologies in Software industry to solve problems.


throw new Error Invalid transport must be an object with a log method. @StackOverflow #javascript #nodejs #npm #question #answer


i knew i was over by devin when i searched an error and the first stackoverflow result link was already purple


Then we got peak "woke but not for minorities" web where major websites has errors because their code came from stackoverflow or chatgpt. Like this cloudflare one


I have a library problem importing into the latest NextJS version. Worked for years upgrade to NextJS 13/14 hit the problem Tried chat GPT, Google Bard even asked a question on Stackoverflow. Maybe I just give up trying to use #NextJs 😢 What’s some good alternatives?


I want to work on it's v2, where the bug with ty.Protocol is fixed, but even asking on stackoverflow isn't helping 😔


I am trying to connect phpmyadmin database to node js app but but getting error. @StackOverflow @phpmya @nodejs @JavaScript #php #phpmyadmin #webdeveloper #webdev #webdevelopment #connection #database #error #Question #QuestionOfTheDay #answer


Has it ever occurred to you? You search for a coding error on Google and Stack Overflow does not appear in the results on the first page? Is Google restricting Stack Overflow?


I've gotten to the point where I paste my errors onto gpt4 rather than google. And if gippity can't help then I debug directly. I don't even try stackoverflow anymore because it is guaranteed to waste my time


Well Chat Gpt is down today. I am using GitHub Copilot Chat which is good. It is way better than Stack Overflow or Google. It is so specific.


C# powers sites like Stack Overflow with its strong-typed nature, advanced debugging, error handling, and seamless .NET integration. Ideal for secure, scalable apps. #CSharpProgramming #CodeDebugging #SecureApps #SoftwareEngineering


Use @StackOverflow for troubleshooting or debugging—it's a collaborative platform where programmers share solutions to coding issues. Combined with @OpenAI #ChatGPT for concept explanations, you've got a powerful duo to tackle any coding challenge!


I'm kind of suprised to see so many devs getting caught by SSR not supporting browser APIs. I see issues everyday on the Angular discord and @StackOverflow


As usual, halfway through writing my @StackOverflow question, I found the issue that was blocking me for hours.. #rubberduck