
Is Beam down? ❌


Mixer Beam was a part of the Microsoft-owned streaming platform called Mixer. Mixer was a live streaming platform that allowed gamers and content creators to broadcast their gameplay and interact with viewers in real time

No problems at Beam


"**** what's that smell" Ah it's the high beam headlight relay. ....why do I keep having issues with electrical **** overheating? I've had to replace several diff solenoids and circuit breakers.


Getting a lot better at FTL as time goes on. This game is really hard but Flak + Beam weapon stays tried and true lol


Beam pop down


I really think my kid & I just needed a laser beam break. Proton machine is down for the day. Man, that can’t be cheap to fix.


Just light the beam already 😒


Well organized supercell with a strong meso approaching Eureka, Kansas. Counting for a bit of updraft tilting on the radar beam, the town could be getting a very close call if not a hit by a tornado (if there’s one down)


Such a bad services by beam internet connectivity this was third time of this month every week end I have an internet issue ...resolving makes more time..! SR10170985148454 @ACTFibernetHYD @ACTFibernet


Why AESA tech is revolutionary? Because it can be used to create EW/EA system to down small drones. It can be used to detect & with its directional beam capability, precisely jam an individual drone. What needs to be done? To create more powerful transmit/receive chips for AESA


Did some reading on lasers or directed-energy weapons (DEW). Anyone want to add to this? Also comment if I'm making an error. Here, DEW is assumed to be laser or particle beam.


Scientists at DSTL Porton Down have been busting a gut, (within the constraints of work-life balance, working from home, paternity leave, and 30 days pa annual leave), to develop a special laser beam that "travels at the speed of light."


Anyone else not able to spiltscreen #MWIII multiplayer? Been trying but just crashes the game out beam happening all night @Activision @CallofDuty #issues #with #multiplayer #cod


South Station Construction Site Closed Down after today's fire. This is a 1.5 B project that has already caused a 30 story drop of a metal beam and today's fire. I hope you all feel safe to commute around this mess.


A blue beam problem in one. No blue beam problem in other.


I don’t know much about #CERN but I hope it doesn’t have to do with the planned power outage and right after potentially project blue beam.


jim kirk"i suppose the ship could beam us down some"


beam mee down scotty


Beam down to planet Expose fundamental flaw Time to warp away #haiku #micropoetry #beamdown #planet #expose #flaw #leave #andscene #thend #TOS #TAS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT #DISCO #LOWERDECKS #STRANGENEWORLDS #PICARD #PRODIGY #StarTrek #trek2nite #AllStarTrek


“Since we are a small bootstrapped company, we can’t afford to throw money at a problem—we need low-cost, easy scaling of not just the production servers but also development, and Elixir and the VM (BEAM) are uniquely positioned there”


Mira "Edifil NE MP 75 CELTIC BEAM ERROR 8 Seals Mini Fold New ** Not Sold 2001" #eBay en @eBay


E4: #Vols go down in order. Beam officially back out on the mound for the fifth inning after the 48-minute rain delay. Tennessee 10, Illinois 0


Well, I'll be damned. They can beam a satellite feed out of Alabama. They can't afford schools down there. But they can do that.


A Difficult game about Climbing gave me carpal tunnel and blood pressure problems. Got to the red beam but couldn’t take it anymore. I WILL TRY AGAIN AND BEAT IT ON STREAM #skillissue


Fog will heavily impact your morning commute. Turn your headlights on low beam, slow down, and drive attentively!


1127km drive, no back pain, no car problems, only speed with high beam 😍


First step? Project blue beam Nope. Firstly they will make a power outage so no one can communicate to know whats going on Then they will present fake *** as a hologram Good luck Or maybe it wont be needed? Maybe if to many people will know what will happen they wont do it


Mizzou ily but pls fix beam


Really need Arky to have a few beam errors


I got into a match and the pandoras box was opened , no natural disasters probably just a glitch but the beam that spawns out of the box acts like a glider redeploy @FortniteGame @ShiinaBR


Why are they all so interested in examining that wall after beam down? #metvstartrek #atasteofarmaggedon


The ancients and humanoid visitation - Nexus Newsfeed BEAM ME IP SCOTTY FOR A RIDE, OR BEAM ME DOWN FOR AN ADVENTURE.