Anyone else’s blackberry messenger not working?
BlackBerry transitioned from being primarily a smartphone manufacturer to becoming a software and security solutions provider. The company leveraged its expertise in security, encryption, and communication to offer a range of software solutions for various industries
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Down to 7 Blackberry Skirmish and 3 Green River Ghost left!
i would **** a blackberry phone bc it slides down a keyboard and the keys are clicky and i can also play the little brick game on it
BlackBerry Internet Service is unexpectedly down across the board
But wait, there's more! In a classic case of technology-gone-wrong, my BlackBerry then decided to crash, taking all my contacts down with it.
@SandeepMall It was my first smartphone. Blackberry Z10 back in 2014. Hands down, I have never used a better digital keyboard experience and optimisation of OS ever in any phone.
Ha! I joined Twitter 12 years ago. I remember the day. I worked at BlackBerry and Facebook was down. What a different social media world that was! #MyXAnniversary
Well, my mower is broken and I have no idea what's wrong with it. It's a battery powered electric mower, not gas powered. I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has considering I cleaned up the pasture with it - mowing down thick, hard-stalked blackberry vines.
I feel like having the Blackberry & iPhone combo again would solve all my problems.
I am once again salty about the BlackBerry 5G getting canceled due to supply chain issues from the responses to Covid. The BlackBerry Key2 that I'm writing this on is still running reasonably well even though it's six years old and only using a midrange chipset.
Watching the Blackberry film and having early 2000s flashbacks. I distinctly remember the hype and then the network outages etc. It was some technology when it came out but I never owned one. Decent film tho.
y’all remember when twitter didn’t have a home button to refresh? when you had not logged in for a couple days, you had to scroll down through the whole timeline to see latest tweets. worst on a blackberry 🥲
My problem is I want my iPhone to be as small as a blackberry.
She must be the only android user at her workplace hahahahahahaha wtf is this. Back in the bbm days I was still told of what was happening in that chat when I was the only one with a new iPhone and not a hand-me-down blackberry from my parents
Problem is we don’t learn from history. What Sony did to Kodak What iPhone did to blackberry Netflix to Blockbuster Android to Symbian Amazon to borders Facebook to MySpace I can go own, the problem is in not wanting to innovate, initiate and adapt.
When Cal was hired I tracked him down to Dudley’s when it was on Dudley’s square. I got a pic on my blackberry. The following 12 months would be some of the most exciting of my UK fandom. I lived behind the Joe craft and saw boogie and wall almost everyday. 1/2
Help me fix this @BlackBerry @BlackBerryHelp #blackberry
If iMessage goes down we going back to BlackBerry Messenger 😭
Another glitch --- how I wish the company subs to @BlackBerry for its unparalleled security solutions.
Apple is facing the same problem that Blackberry faced in the past.
#voiceactors I'm curious, have you ever had experienced with device from Blackberry before Apple? watch this sketch from BBC 😂 ‘My Blackberry is not working’
ZetaTalk: Pole Shift: Blackberry Outages - #ZetaTalk #PoleShift #Blackberry #Outages #PlanetX☄️ #Nibiru☄️ #Humanity #Unstoppable #Change #NewWorld #WhatAreTheyHiding #ForgetAllYouveBeenTaught #Unlearn #Relearn #Adapt #Survive #MTWBTEB #MondayMotivations
ake a look... Nancy Faeser ‼️ March 14, 2024 The Arne Schönbohm affair becomes an issue in court BlackBerry, BlackBerry AtHoc Server and Secusmart do matter, don't they? Keywords: "crypto cell phone" from Angela Merkel and "lost" SMSs from Ursula von der Leyen FrauHodl