blizzard caused a big power outage in my area, no heat or hot water either. time to do gay stuff for warmth. this isn’t an act against ***, this is survival!
Outage Reports
Todays Incidents
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What am I most thankful for during a power outage in the middle of a blizzard? Battery operated toys.
Definitely fell asleep without charging anything. And now this blizzard has caused a power outage. I don’t have time for this. 🙄
How on earth is my character name, Wreckmrectum, inappropriate enough to have my account suspended for 4 days? This game is rated T, the automatic censorship didn't stop it, but the automatic ban system seemed eager to shoot down my appeal. @Blizzard_Ent @battlenet
@ @Blizzard_Ent diablo 4 is the.most bugged game I have ever played. What a pile of bugged ****. Also FYI your chat after 2 years is still not working for ****. No trade chat again. Fucken douchebags selling garbage with nore bugs then game. Pathetic your worse then EA Shame
**** is this ******* blizzard why is the snow coming down all fast like this???
The snow is really coming down at all different directions, it looks like a mini blizzard. It’s so pretty.
STAY OFF THE ROADS. Blizzard white out conditions are popping up everywhere. Stay where you are and hunker down. #ONStorm
I don’t even know what I’ve missed from all that debacle is it set break or did the blizzard take my internet out?? Stream not working rn 😭
It should be illegal for my husband to have to work during a blizzard, especially when the entire state is shut down & it’s supposed to freezing rain for hours. 😭😭
IQALUIT: Partial-community outage affecting customers in the downtown and beach areas. Crews are investigating as best they can despite blizzard conditions. Updates to follow. Thank you for your patience.
No way we got a blizzard and PSN down
PSN is down because the main servers in Japan are down due to the INSANE blizzard.
Looks like NJ is going to get a blizzard including the tri-state area, NE, PA, and down to NC. Ooof.
I have a plan with my kids in case there is a fire. I have a plan with my kids in case there is a tornado. Or a blizzard that means we can’t get home or that means we are stuck at home. I shouldn’t have to have a plan with them for what if everything shuts down? 1/2
Deleted last tweet cause I can't verify what is accurate. Sc2 servers are down. I don't know why. It might be a malicious map file uploaded it might not. Either way the best way to get attention is to report the issue on blizzard forms until someone sees it.
//Might get a power outage tonight cause we're going to get a blizzard tonight.
Here in south Louisiana we are having record low temperatures after blizzard conditions. Last night it got down to 7 degrees and the power went out. I have a 24k Generac home generator that is supposed to come on when the power goes off. It didn’t. $11,000 is what I paid to
Been a long day, shocked @Blizzard_Ent @BlizzardCS @Warcraft @WarcraftDevs haven’t fixed the freeze bug yet. Shut the servers down and fix! #worldofwarcraft
It’s really a blizzard down here like wtf is going on??
Well the Weather Channel is down playing our chances of snow so we're going to be getting a blizzard. The weather channel is never right😹😹 Okay this is our final good night shutting the phone off😻😴❤️
Ain’t no way yall acting like this in these grocery stores like it’s about to be a BLIZZARD ❄️ down here 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 buying all the milk and bread like we’re about to be snowed in 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
I love how TX shuts tf down for any ice or snow, cannot imagine having to be business as usual through a blizzard like ppl in the Midwest
bro i just want to go home and be toasty in my blankets and out of this blizzard, wdyMMM the subway is down 😭😭
While part of the country is experiencing blizzard weather, they’re having a tornado outbreak down in Louisiana. Crazy.
My town went through with a "planned outage," which they only announced on GB four hours earlier...DURRINF A BLIZZARD.
Video upload is postponed until further notice. Thanks to the blizzard that blew through overnight, the power went out. Don't know when it'll be back, but hopefully before the day ends. And just discovered that more snow is coming down.
So a MASSIVE blizzard is coming and I figured that they’d cancel work… no they won’t. In fact, in case there is a power outage I’m expected to be AT WORK until they can turn the power back on. HUH??? You telling me I have to wait until like 4am when the power comes back? Wtf
Hey @Blizzard_Ent, why is it that every time I open one of your games like Overwatch or Diablo IV, I just stay connected for 30~40 minutes and then my internet goes down? Google goes down, Discord goes down, everything goes down. Only with you does this happen.
For Christmas I got @CallofDuty not working on my PC again. Thanks @Activision @Blizzard_Ent @Microsoft @Xbox