
Is Shaw Communications down? ❌


Shaw Communications is a Canadian telecommunications company that provides a range of services, including cable television, internet, home phone, and mobile phone services. The company operates primarily in Western Canada, serving customers in provinces such as British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and parts of Ontario

No problems at Shaw Communications

Outage Reports

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Outage MapπŸ“

Shaw Communications outage map Β· 2025-03-07

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Past Incidents


shaw has the amazing ability to always go down right as we're making dinner so when they ask me all my modem questions I can't check


Down goes Shaw again. That's his night over. Hondermarck coming on #ntfc


ATTN SHAW - WATER OUTAGE: @dcwater Water reports a water outage in the 1600 block of 6th Street, NW, between Q and R Streets due to repairs on 8-inch mains. The estimated restoration time is 10-12 hours. Affected customers can contact DC Water at 202-612-3400.


working down shaw today, def gon engage in shenanigans


Why is ai16z down? Has Shaw left Korea?


Hey @Shawhelp our wifi has been down since 9:51,am with no updates. What gives?


I've noticed that since the Shaw huge outage about a week ago, my webmail on any browser is incredibly slow to load. Anybody else experience this? #Shaw #outage @Shawhelp


Once again Shaw/Rogers has an outage in our area, third time this month. Just a thought but maybe @Rogers should invest some money in upgrading the infrastructure in our area.


how on earth are you supposed to report an outage to Shaw when their app is either constantly crashing or the chat keeps resetting πŸ˜‚ I’m not calling either.


Is @Shawhelp email down - been having troubles accessing for a few hours.


While working had to contact @Rogers. Chat line not working. Called and on hold for two hours, referring me to chat line (still not working), then disconnected. When Shaw was bought out, so too was the customer service we were used to. #CustomerServiceFail


Hello @Rogers - would you please post a more fulsome explanation as to why Shaw email service has been down for hours? A lot of customers are being inconvenienced without any information as to what's going on and how long the outage is expected to last. Would appreciate it! πŸ™


The #shaw email outage has been going on for hours now. You own this problem now, @Rogers! #fail


Waiting on some very important work emails but @Shawhelp email service has been down all morning. Cool. Cool…


Hey @Shawhelp is your email server down?


First my Hank @Conexus_CU goes down now @Shawhelp my internet provider is down. What a bad day this is. Still ****** waiting for my payment to show up in the bank. Most likely won't be in on time to use it. After all, this day has to suck to the last moment!


Anyone else with Shaw/Rogers experiencing an outage for cable right now in Edmonton?


absolutely ridiculous for @RogersHelps @Shawhelp to have my internet service down from tuesday-friday for a mistake in a maintenance we weren't even notified for. i need the internet connection to do my job, im losing out on money for 4 days and all you can do is "give credit"?!


#bcstorm Winds have picked up, and @ShawHelp, our cable is not working. #LangleyBC


I ******* hate @Rogers so much. Before they acquired Shaw my internet was impeccable. No outages or service disruptions. Now, every few days I get an outage in the middle of the day when I’m trying to work. All while my bill keeps increasing for worse service. Scam


Well, @RogersHelps customer service is an absolute disgrace. Business Internet is down and zero help from tech support. This after waiting over 45 mins on hold. Would have never happened with @Shawhelp.


Hey @Shawhelp, you guys plan on getting your internet sorted out anytime ever? Service went down at 1130pm last night when you said expect to at 1am and it’s now 9am when service was supposed to be restored at 6. Get it together.


Day 2 with no power. Living in the 1800’s is HARD y’all. Cold shower and warm Diet Coke is not even the worst part. Cell towers are down, so no internet at all (drove off island right now). I had to read a real book to entertain myself and there was NO Captain Shaw in it 😭😭😭


Wait for 1/2 hour for chat because phone is down. First person tells me I'm in the wrong place. Transfers me. New person tells me phone specialists aren't available by chat. I need to phone them. But I can't. Because my PHONE IS DOWN. Get transferred back to queu. @Shawhelp


Hey @Shawhelp there’s an unreported outage of internet in Trail BC. Do you have anyone looking into it?


Another outage of the @Rogers and @Shawhelp no internet, no cable(?) tv. Technical supports response β€œ We know your local area has no service. When it’s resolved you will have service.” What colossal lack of information or responsiveness. #fail #yyc


What is happening with Shaw internet. It has gone down for 5 time this evening. In Bowness area of Calgary.


Leave it to @ShawInfo @Shawhelp to have an outage over an hour long while I was trying to stream @Splitgate without anything on their side or any notifications.


My internet has been down since 7pm yesterday and we talked to a Shaw representative and found out that our modem went dead so gotta wait a few days to get a new one :(


Is anyone else's @Sportsnet 4K feed / channel for tonight's @BlueJays game not working or is it just mine ?? It's like a 2 second delay choppiness. It's unwatchable. #TOTHECORE #yyc #BlueJays @Shawhelp