
Is Vodafone UK down? ❌


Vodafone UK is a major telecommunications company operating in the United Kingdom. It is part of the global Vodafone Group, which is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. Vodafone UK provides a range of services to consumers, businesses, and institutions, including mobile phone, broadband, and other communication solutions

No problems at Vodafone UK

Past Incidents


No internet for 3days ?? @VodafoneUK worst internet & service. @WeAreOpenreach take the **** as well


Seems @VodafoneUK are just not able to fix our broadband problem. Everytime it rains we lose our internet. Engineer already been here to fix the problem but still the same. Getting very annoying and thinking of leaving Vodafone.


Lightening fast speeds from @VodafoneUK! They know there’s a network problem from January (in fact it was going on for much longer) and have no ETA! I’m going to have to buy another sim as I get nothing in the peak


Totally Sick n tired of @VodafoneUK yet again no 4g / internet coverage in Potters Bar Herts. Months & months of a useless service, constantly breaking down, constant we’re sorry text, promises of compensation totally forgotten about.


Day 57 of no @bt_uk broadband/ phone. Replacement @EE 4g mini hub gives 5mbps. Chaotic processes have shut the mini hub off I think 6 times now, in error. Not able to work, kids can't revise for GCSEs nor game & I still have to pay each month. Help @VodafoneUK or @SkyHelpTeam


What a Ridiculous Service providing by You 😡😥💔💔 @VodafoneUK @VodafoneEgypt @VodafoneGroup @VodafoneBiz In India I am registering complain "Again and Again" regarding my calling and Network issue but there is no Permanent solution shame on you 🙏🙏🙏 #Economia #FITFWTBogotá


So the ongoing @VodafoneUK network issue in Shropshire has still not been fixed 12 days & counting The intermittent fault is still ongoing though Vodafone will compensate everyone its unacceptable NO calls NO text in or out or intermittent


** Update the Network issue has not been fixed So apparently the @VodafoneUK network issue in Shropshire has been fixed. 12 days to fix a major network issue #gross #slow #incompetance compensation can be claimed. At least after 6 days they eventually admitted there was an issue


Anyone else having a @VodafoneUK outage?


A last @VodafoneUK have admitted they are doing maintenance hence everyone's network issue & they have offered compensate Could run into the £'s millions


Is @VodafoneUK down?


My @VodafoneUK broadband is down. It’d been down for hours before I found their web tool (using my mobile data) to alert them to the problem. Before that their service said there were no problems in my area. 1of2


Wow, from bad to worse @VodafoneUK your broadband support is garbage. If I'm still offline by 1800 on Monday I'll consider my contract voided and will find another provider. Also I am making no more payments if this is not resolved.


Anyone having issues with @VodafoneUK mobile network over the past week #calls #text #internet #Vodafone have a #network issue its not your phone They are aware of the issue but pretending it is your phone and not the network. @ofcom @CommsCouncilUK @HouseofCommons


Still waiting for @VodafoneUK to sort out my Spotify issue. Very poor service.


Hi @VodafoneUK, please can you tell me how to sort the issue with Spotify Premium disconnecting. When I log in to my act it says Spotify Premium is active til Dec 2025, Spotify have confirmed it’s not an issue at their end and to contact yourselves


Had a terrible experience with Vodafone's roaming service while traveling. Despite contacting customer service, the issue wasn't resolved. I advise travelers to be cautious and not rely solely on Vodafone while abroad. #travel #Vodafone #roaming @VodafoneEgypt @VodafoneUK e


Is anyone else having 5G issues with @VodafoneUK


Am I the only one experiencing issues with @VodafoneUK connection? Both my mobile and home broadband.


Definitely something odd going on with IPv4 addresses on @VodafoneUK at the moment. The router seems to see the broadband connection just fine but I'm not being issued an IP address - so no internet. Have tried multiple reconnects and power off/on to no avail.


The @VodafoneUK app say I have no issues but the router light continues to flash red. Alarm system went to mobile back up at 23:52 last night


.@VodafoneUK has to have THE worst customer services I've ever had to deal with. All I want to do activate my e-sim but I cannot do it online due to a system error, the AI is beyond useless at understanding the issue and now the phone systems are down?!


Vodafone I swear down, worst network in the UK … how can I be waiting FIVE MONTHS for a trade in credit @VodafoneUK 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


Frustrating I haven't been able to get to the @Emley_AFC game tonight in the cup final. I've been doing a #Nebosh exam and my @VodafoneUK internet connection has been down since 4.30pm (just come back on) so I had to go back to work to submit my paper 😡😡


Hey @VodafoneUK I have been battling with you for around 20 months on a network issue. Finally after a 1hr 30min call yesterday my issue was escalated to the networks team (something I’ve asked for for a while). I got a confirmation text yesterday and I got another today 1/2


The @VodafoneUK Broadband app is a joke. I’ve used it before but apparently it can’t open if there’s no internet connection. Surely the main reason you use a broadband app is to help diagnose why the internet isn’t working?


Hey @VodafoneUK - you want some of these back at all? You keep sending them and my internet has never been an issue. 🙃🤣 #vodafone


Watching ‘The Three-Body Problem’ on Netflix made me realize that @VodafoneUK just have bad internet speed


On the left is @VodafoneUK / @VOXImobile on the right is @EE, reported signal issues at home and work multiple times but was told there's no issues. Been with EE since 2012 and had no loyalty or the service never got any better but the prices kept going up... goodbye @EE


Oh guys do I have a fun story for you when I stream. When I get internet back. That's right we are now +3 weeks with no internet from @VodafoneUK after 2 weeks of the same basic level of support and being upgraded to level 2 support still struggling to provide us internet.