
Is Google Docs down? ❌


Google Docs is a cloud-based document creation and editing platform developed by Google. It is part of the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) suite of productivity tools, which also includes applications like Google Sheets (spreadsheets), Google Slides (presentation software), and Google Drive (cloud storage)

No problems at Google Docs

Past Incidents


currently have 15 diff google docs open in tabs i don't think that anything will fix me


It’s not “review bombing”, people are giving genuine reviews because the game isn’t playable with the current bot problem. @Thewhat89 has some posts with a google docs link that has a lot of information about the situation.


First feedback for the bug reporting tool: - Include log colors in screenshots (warnings in yellow, errors in red). - Capture network tab, focusing on API endpoints. - Allow links to be made private or public, similar to Google Docs.


🚨PSA to My Writer Friends🚨 I just completed a massive project. I just finished transferring all my writing documents off Google Docs. All 771. I found out that Cloud Storage is now completely unsafe and unreliable due to two new problems: AI and morality posturing.




♠︎ Is it just me, or has Notion been going down a lot lately This is probably the best advertisement for using Google docs there is ♠︎


So since DuckDuckGo is down right now, does anyone have any good recommendations for an app to write with on android since google docs is unreliable with my writing data? - Aqua


Anyone else getting a 500 server error attempting to download a @googledocs as a PDF?


How familiar are you with editing tools like Grammarly, Google Docs, and ProWritingAid? These tools check your content for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. While they are helpful, good writers know when to ignore their suggestions, as they aren't always right.


the problem with visual art instead of writing is that when i want to take a **** but i’m locked the **** and I can just open Google Docs on my phone but if I want to draw, I need to be at the puter


Word document is superior for accessibility from all angles. People don't like Microsoft because it's dense, which is true!! But!!! It holds a bich down!! Google docs is good for being user friendly and they even let you change the capitalization format! It's also easy to share.


Made changes to my thesis en google docs offline simply praying q todo lo q hice se de update the next time i have wifi


Switched my account type to influencer and added communities, website up soon via google docs hosting for v1, gonna learn githubio for v2, when server electricity/uptime is no issue, self hosted v3 just a demo page for a background


Google Docs is tripping


Internet is down when I do everything on google docs and data is slow 👎


Well, ****. I think I may have just lost multiple days worth of progress on Ch. 38 due to an error with Google Docs. During the trip I mentioned, I was working on the chapter both on my phone's Google Docs app and on Google Docs on my laptop, both in offline mode. (1/3)


I’m going on vacation next week and I won’t have any service, anyone know any good writing apps? I’ve been using Google docs and I’ve heard it can be wonky offline. Also, I’m planning on posting chap 8 like right before I leave service for the week :) it’s coming along!


... ini google docs error tah?


This google docs is testing my patience right now. There was an error when I try to submit and now I have to start from the beginning. What a night ! 😭


Google Docs has a bug when using Safari When editing a doc, every time I type a word into an existing sentence, it auto-capitalizes. Every time. This makes Google Docs unusable on Safari.


I removed Grammarly extension from google docs, and **** there are so many errors that Google Proofread is uncovering that Grammarly just ignored, even typos! Ironically made my writing output worse in a way. Seems like will have to update many posts on substack...


Redid an app that didn't go through: Google Docs encountered an error. Please try reloading this page, or coming back to it in a few minutes. To learn more about the Google Docs editors, please visit our help center. We're sorry for the inconvenience. - The Google Docs Team


google docs is down💀💀


why is google docs not working


. is anyone having this weird glitch on ao3 with formatting when pasting from google docs


Hi @GoogleIndia , I found one glitch in google docs (paid version). I can help you to fix that.




I recently transferred most of my WIP text files to Google Docs thinking it'd more practical and now my internet connection has been down for 24 hours and counting, effectively preventing me from accessing anything except with my phone. Lol. Lmao even, if I may be so bold


Google docs keeps crashing on my phone :( is this happening to anyone else? I get this error message for like a second and then it crashes


#Notion down Google docs: