
Is Hearthstone down? ❌


Hearthstone is a free-to-play digital collectible card game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Hearthstone is set in the fantasy world of Blizzard's Warcraft universe and features iconic characters, spells, and creatures from the franchise.

No problems at Hearthstone

Past Incidents


funny hearthstone bug: the new event mode doesn’t properly check of your deck is actually valid. since literally everything in this game is coded as a card, people are bringing the wildest **** imaginable. this does require outside tools afaik, so i think its fair to ban people


.@PlayHearthstone Wooo! Such a close game!! Last fight was gonna be lit.. too bad I didn't get to see it cause the GAME CRASHED. Fix your trash.


Anyone else experiencing a glitch in @PlayHearthstone battlegrounds collection? In my heroes section it's showing a ping for a new hero skin however i've went through all my pages and there's nothing new and the (1) won't go away. #Hearthstone #Battlegrounds


The only problem with Valve having "**** you" money is that when they want to make a game now, it's what they want to make "It's Hearthstone, but somehow even worse" "It's a new half-life, but it's a kind of prequel to 2 instead of answering any questions"


.@PlayHearthstone Any plans at all to fix your game from crashing every match?


What happens in the Hearthstone bug is that the server is waiting for a selection by the player, but the client is waiting on a response from the server.


How small must your **** and how much of a failure is one player to play control decks in wild? Just asking..... @PlayHearthstone fix your game and refresh your devs. Every patch is worse and worse and it seems there is no bottom. That's talent!


Picking your favorite coin is not working .... #Hearthstone 🙄🙄🙄


Anyone else having issues with matchmaking in @PlayHearthstone ? I haven't been able to get matched for game for over 15 minutes @RidiculousHat


Can @PlayHearthstone @Blizzard_Ent please fix the bugs in battlegrounds. I don’t know if it’s the cross platform, but every time I play duos with my fiancé the game completely freaks. I hate complaining but it’s honestly hard to enjoy playing.


Anyone down for a late night Hearthstone stream? Feel free to pop on over if you need anything from the bar! Link in bio and replys ^^


Anyone having issues with Hearthstone? @PlayHearthstone Mine won't go past the doors, been trying all day, multiple times I've cleared the cache, I made sure it was updated, deleted and reinstalled and still stuck at this screen


Hearthstone and Rumble have a problem if people are more excited about a balance and bug fixing patch for Heroes when it's the game on maintenance mode


I'm very thankful that when there is a problem in Hearthstone we have @RidiculousHat to communicate with us. It makes such a huge difference knowing we are being heard unlike in the past it felt radio silent at times. Thanks Hat, you're a ridiculous one.


Anyone playing Hearthstone over here? Just read about the German translation of it and was wondering if the new expac also introduced errors to English cards😅


this insane hearthstone error...


Anyone else having issues loggin into #Hearthstone at present?? @PlayHearthstone


Here's a list of bug fixes coming in today's Patch 29.0.3. Check out full patch notes here: #Hearthstone


Hey @PlayHearthstone I can't play any deck except for Whizbang. Is this a bug?


just to add to the 10.2.6 misery, i can't keep grinding for the hearthstone rewards bc the servers are down for extended maintenance aaaa


Blizzard has released patch notes for 29.0.1. It's a small, server-side hotfix with some bug fixes rolling out today. Check out full patch notes here: #Hearthstone


Bug fixes coming through! Server side patch #hearthstone


Hotfix patch 29.0.1 is rolling out now with a few bug fixes 🐛 Full notes:


Spring Break Donathon Day 2! It's time to D-D-D-DDDDUEL! I'll be playing some Hearthstone with @DrJosephJorgen in about an hour! (He's live playing HS Battlegrounds right now, so go check him out! Links below!)


Coming up on the 3rd hour of sitting outside Org in Durotar at the Hearthstone event area. If the portal doesn't spawn this time, I'm pretty sure @Blizzard_Ent @WarcraftDevs have a lot to fix with @Warcraft maintenance tomorrow. :(


I’m not a fan of this Hearthstone event in WoW. Limited tables to play the game and the random spawn of the portals are my main issues. I’ve wasted so much time tonight trying to find a portal. Got lucky for a few random groups but now I am location hopping praying for a portal.


I love the flavor of this card. Next Hearthstone expansion's gonna go so hard. Now they just gotta fix the ******* bot problem in Standard


Want to discuss card strategy, have a technical issue, or wish to report a bug? Then visit the #Hearthstone forums for information and updates. Read the threads or create your own!


Balance changes and bug fixes are coming soon to Battlegrounds in hotfix patch 28.6.1. #hearthstone Read about all the changes:


I can officially go live on Tik Tok. Problem is the only thing I want to stream is playing Hearthstone. Lol and if I do that I might as well go ahead and stream on twitch 😂. Besides gaming what would you stream. Even if no one will watch?