
Is Facebook down? ❌


Facebook is a social media platform and technology company founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates in 2004. Facebook's mission is to connect people and help them share and communicate with friends, family, and other individuals, as well as discover and engage with content from around the world

No problems at Facebook


Apparently I’m using Facebook too hard on my iPhone GraphQL error


I have closed down my Instragram and logged out of Facebook, so if you are getting any messages from me, please ignore its not me x


I just went down memory lane on Facebook. I last logged in 2015. 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Facebook’s stock is down 15% today which I was surprised to see since I didn’t realize Facebook still existed


send me an email I am available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week #facebook down I think Facebook is down, try logging in with my account. I'm logged out for a reason


Facebook will have to sell a lot of private data to the NSA and a ton of Chinese ads to make up for this.


I saw this on Facebook. Really sums up football today.. players go down so easily. 😆


I have no idea how Facebook continues to operate like this. We’ve wasted many, many hours trying to resolve this for clients, with no luck. No useful error messages, looking into FB’s network tab indicated maybe a server error?? Who knows! FB support sure won’t help!


Facebook memories always remind me of my grandpop 💔🪨


Facebook down $80 after hours Looks good on them


Facebook $META is currently down almost 12% in after hours Watch out for the earnings call which is about to start


Rip down into close then uh rocket Facebook. Do I have that right??? 🤔


I have some good news and bad news for FB followers. Good News is FB finally replied with news about my account. Bad News is it's a security check gone wrong. FB is working on the problem but it will be awhile. #FBsecuritycheck #FB2FA #FBproblems


Last night a friend sent a text to me asking if I was doing ok. This morning I received an e-mail from Facebook with links to eating disorder resources. When opened Facebook it said someone reported me for mental health issues. Tell me again we aren’t being spied on!


Had to take my video from the Jabbawockez down from my Facebook because of copyright violation… yikes..


facebook stays suggesting “people you may know” and it’s the girl i got cheated on with…yeah we’re familiar facebook thx. pls stop <3


@Meta How can I unlock my Facebook account after it was hacked when the reset code gets sent to the Hackers email address!My ID has been verified but my phone number wasn't linked to my account & my device cannot be recognised (despite being on the same device for years!) 😫😭


I love using facebook just to see the last time a ***** been active on social media 😌


You think streaming ads down Facebook is a good idea.


@Shirl3yBell @Parsifaler @EthicalSkeptic my 14 yr facebook account got permabanned for sharing the uk yellowcard link last june.


Just started to updating profile on @CutshortHQ and Experiencing issues for @facebook , @XCreators connect feature is not working kindly look into that once


@facebook @meta my Facebook account got hacked and suspended. How do I get my account back? 😭


Don't miss out on this amazing conversation going down today pale Facebook. You can't miss this one! @Badili_A


I’m not gone lie my Facebook app not working is really really ******* me off


Facebook ads not converting? If you have a good offer to sell using Facebook ad and it's not getting you money Check the technical errors. It could be the landing page,fb pixels and wrong campaign objective. Everything works together for results if you have chosen meta ads.


Please be aware that our Facebook account has been compromised. We're working diligently to resolve this issue and will keep you updated. Please be cautious of any unusual posts or requests coming from our account. Thank you for your understanding and support 🙌🏼


my fb not working im irritated😭


Just shut Facebook down already!


why did my mother unblock me on facebook am i tripping what the ****


First world problem of the day: one of the cafes near work changed ownership recently and has stopped posting the daily rotating food menu in their Facebook page