
Is Kik down? ❌


Kik Messenger, commonly referred to as Kik, was a free instant messaging app developed by Kik Interactive. It was launched in 2010 and gained popularity for its unique username-based system that allowed users to connect and communicate with each other without sharing personal phone numbers

No problems at Kik

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 7 Dec 2023Back to today
Logo7 Dec03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00


There were no incidents detected with Kik on 7 Dec 2023.

Outage Map📍

Kik outage map · 7 Dec 2023

Reports Summary

Overall on 7 Dec 2023 we received reports mainly from 🇺🇸 United States - Whitewater, Los Angeles


i got groomed soooo bad on kik when i think about it


#Kik (@Kik) is down


Also kik and telegram


I hacked Malacai **** so goood I’m telling y’all i was in Kik Google mail/text (he got down on Google) Instagram Twitter TEXT FREEE iMessage


Is anyone else having trouble with the Kik messaging app, I can't receive any messages at all, something doesn't seem right, Why is kik down now? I don't get it! It's been working fine for the last few months! Why is it going silly and rubbish again, Get someone to fix it! 😓