This is great reminder to always have a great story video game on deck. When the PSN servers went down in 2011, I hopped on Mass Effect 2 that entire week and I had a blast.
Mass Effect is a popular science fiction action role-playing video game series developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts (EA). The series is known for its immersive storytelling, rich world-building, and player-driven choices that impact the game's narrative.
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There's a website that tells you what is and isn't woke and it hilariously comes down to "old game I have blind nostalgia for good, new game bad." Not even a joke. Older Mass Effect, Fallout, Warhammer, and Life Is Strange games are only "slightly woke." Hilarious.
Which game do you regret buying and why? Mine was Starfield. I loved Skyrim, I also love space games like Mass Effect or No Man's Sky, but Starfield was bland, boring npcs, story is meh. 80 bucks down the drain 😭
Anyone still down if i stream in 10 minutes? Might just skip zenless and go and chill with a mass effect stream
The original Mass Effect game is so good. I started out my thousandth playthrough after not playing for a while. Figured I'd run through this first one quickly, but find myself slowing down because the scenes & characters are so well written. Captivated again. #MassEffect
After hauling my pc up and down to get internet, finally got mass effect and greedfall installed Also i shouldve installed da2 but i can survive, i have 1 or 2 runs of dai first
I really need to play the Mass Effect trilogy again soon, especially since learning that EA finally fixed the achievements on Steam. Haven't done a full run of the trilogy since all the way back in 2013.
**** veilguard really got that Mass Effect 2 feeling down to a T. it's depressing as ****
#Bioware was once my ALL time favorite studio hands down! Mass Effect, KOTOR, #DragonAge, Never Winter Nights, and Baldur's Gate I & II consumed thousands of my gaming hours. How can modern gaming be so bad when it used to be so good? Why are current developers so scared now?
I get the outage about the keep choices to an extent, but some of you are equating it to Mass Effect, all of those games had one singular protagonist. Now the Well not being a major choice is an issue for me. #veilguardspoilers
@graysonZ80 By his definition, GTAV, a live service game still on today is retro. So is last of us 1, Skate 3, Skyrim, Fallout: NV, Mass Effect 3. Arkham series. Etc
Hello??? @EA??? You just removed all my games??? Is anyone else having this issue??? Please tell me this is an error and EA did not just remove games I PAID for. #plantsvzzombies #PVZ #MassEffect #Titanfall #EA
@EAHelp Give me back my Mass Effect...
Mass Effect Andromeda is a good game
Funny thing is almost every game I have played with the option of a male or female version of the playable character, the female voice actor almost always gives the best performance. Mass Effect and Cyberpunk for example.
#RPGLB2024 is back online, while there was a brief outage stream has resumed and will be back to our scheduled run of Mass Effect 2 shortly
Internet is down so I’m doing some cleaning and I found this doodle of my Mass Effect OC Vironica Shepard and wow. I love my jump in skill. Go me.
ao3 going down as i was rereading my favorite fic 😒 i guess i’ll PLAY mass effect instead
The release is delayed once agian as I ran into a giant mess when it comes to launching the Legendary Edition, or even having access to it. Ugh. Serves me right for ever even modding the remaster. Mods are actually done, I just need to resolve this issue. #MassEffect #bioware
Imagine a #MassEffect squad with #Jack’s raw power, #EDI’s tech skills, #Liara’s biotic abilities, and #Shepard’s leadership! 🤩 This dream team could conquer the galaxy.. 💪💫 🎨 fanonsdoodle (on Insta) #masseffectfanart
#MassEffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #EdiShep This is a creepy glitch 😐 I love you Edi but get out of my internal affairs! Why couldn't this happen with Liara?!!
Mass Effect legendary Edition is on sale for $5.99 on Steam until May 13.
As a reminder: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on Steam (playing it right now) - completely SINGLE-PLAYER game, not any sign of multiplayer content, from EA requires to link an EA account with Steam and nobody has a problem with this ?
Ok gamer buddies, I have a question for all of you. It's my experience with Origin (EA) that whenever the servers would get bogged down or my Internet went down, I couldn't even play my Mass Effect single player campaign.
TitanFall 3 Cancelled… A New Deus Ex Game Cancelled… DeadSpace franchise is on hold… Developer talks End Game Content for a Single Player Game… Lower Decks Cancelled… Mass Effect 4 is 5 years away… I’m fine… Anyway:
Look, it's not my fault a minor decision 30 hours into Mass Effect made me restart the entire game
Going live! Just got done with tech issues galore, gonna start the day with some hunt showdown then later we'll mass effect or helldive ^^ Come hangout!
Glitch Saga continues… #MassEffect #gaming #TwitchAffilate #gamergirl #Videogame