Dear @MyBGE my power has been out since 11am because of some stupid plan outage. It was supposed to be on at 3:30 but its now 5:30 so WTF is going on???????! #baltimoregasandelectric
BGE, short for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, is a utility company that provides natural gas and electricity services to customers in the Baltimore metropolitan area and parts of central Maryland, United States. It is the oldest gas utility company in the country, dating back to its founding in 1816.
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Yo @MyBGE It’s bad enough your bills are sky high. But it’s now our third outage in a week. Fix your ****!
BWI power outage Well, @BWI_Airport clearly didn’t pay their @MyBGE bill. WELCOME TO THE HOODPORT……YOU IN BMORE/DC MUDDA SUKKAS, n!ggaz lose power erryyyyyyday B!
why tf everytime i get my bge bill down that **** go back high
BGE until you turn my bill down you gonna keep printing me a turn off notice
I hate BGE, my powers still out, and my Internet is still down T-T. On the bright side, the winds are slower.
BGE ummmm y’all going to fix this power outage or what?
my ring camera app be telling me everything i need to know😂 they said a tree down and bge otw .. ok cool thank you
I called BGE, they said the outage could last until tomorrow 6:45 pm. Ikyfl and they better take some money off my bill .
Power Outage Is Wild BGE Around The **** Corner 🤦🏽♂️😂
Bge system been down I guess they don’t want me pay my bill 😅
of course our power would go out in 13 degree weather… and the website/app is down for maintenance and the # to call is not easily found on that substitute page…wtf? @MyBGE do better!
Now why are all the BGE charging stations down ?!
C’mon @MyBGE!! People are actually working today and this random power outage is terrible.
Anybody else’s bge app not working???
Glad everybody at work & school . BGE gon send me a message talking bout power outage … wtf
of course @MyBGE goes down randomly when i need to record the years worth of bills for 31 properties before tomorrow at 10 am for a client🙃
Twice in less than a month I’ve watched @MyBGE abandoned my neighborhood during an outage and gaslight anyone trying to alert or hopefully get some help. Total bs.
@wbaltv11 got 2 lines down in my backyard... and no one @BGE will even send someone out
Well the @MyBGE outage tracker now says we don’t have a crew assigned when we did earlier today, and yesterday. The outage was caused by a down tree or limb, it says. Estimated recovery time is still 11pm tonight.
BGE needs to do better. 3 more outages today. Luckily I was in the office today for most of the outage time 😡
Glad I came to my grandmother’s. BGE just alerted me that there’s a power outage in my neighborhood!
BGE app always down they need to fix that ****!
BGE has a 9 hour scheduled outage tomorrow. The first day it’s supposed to be HOT. Great lol
BGE was down when I tried to schedule my payment and now I have lost the motivation to pay lol
Hi @MyBGE I’m trying to pay my bill and your website is down. Don’t go charging me a late fee when your site is the problem, thank you!
BGE doesn't even have a crew on scene for my outage and yet they expect to have my power back on in...7 minutes. Mmmkay.