
Is Comcast Business down? ❌


Comcast Business is the business division of Comcast Corporation, a major telecommunications and media conglomerate in the United States

No problems at Comcast Business

Outage Reports

Showing data for past 24 hours

Todays Incidents

There were no incidents detected with Comcast Business in past 24 hours.

Outage Map📍

Comcast Business outage map · 2025-03-25

Reports Summary

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Past Incidents


I’m guessing so bear with me here, @comcastbusiness internet is down in my location. We’re putting in a service call right now. Would @Starlink correct my internet congestion issues


hey @comcastbusiness, why don’t you guys have generators or batteries to keep your gear operational during a power outage? You drop my service every time there is a power outage.


I need help with @comcastbusiness . Our restaurant has been without internet service for 48h and we cannot run operations. We have been pretty much shut down and can’t get Comcast to send anyone. They are putting us out of business. #killingsmallbusiness


Comcast Business internet is trash. Literally had to credit customers at the brick and mortar today because it went down and I got the runaround. We have four locations and pay through the nose for garbage internet. DSL was more reliable. Probably switching to Starlink.


Storms all night. Lost power for a little while, but had internet. 6hrs later and the weather is beautiful ... and NOW @comcastbusiness goes down. 😑


Second @comcastbusiness outage on deadline in approximately a month. Everywhere we go, people are urging us to go to the Cloud for security... but if we did, our entire office would be at a standstill. Abysmal.


Still no internet currently due to storm knocking down Comcast Business internet lines. Also no phones without Comcast Business. We will be open so stop in! We’d be glad to help you make someone’s day with a flower bouquet! #FlowersofKingwood #KingwoodFlorist #ShopInStore


Why do ISPs such as @Ask_Spectrum @comcastbusiness @Xfinity force you to sign to see an outage. Just have an outage page so we can. See if we are impacted quickly


Yo, @comcastbusiness fix your site. I need to pay my bill and have been unable to for a week now.


Comcast business internet down in Santa Clara CA.


Comcast Business at its finest. @Xfinity customer service offered to wave half the service charge to fix their issue. Do you think it’s time to drop the cable portion?


Just fyi @comcastbusiness is the worst. Horrible customer service, intermittent outages, and overbilling me for four months. When I call they put me on terminal hold. Time to hit up someone else who’s willing to do a simple job and provide a simple service.