
Is PenTeleData down? ❌


PenTeleData is a regional telecommunications company based in Palmerton, Pennsylvania. It provides high-speed internet, phone, and TV services to residential and business customers in northeastern Pennsylvania and parts of New Jersey and New York. PenTeleData is a subsidiary of Service Electric Cable TV and Communications, the first cable television company in the United States

No problems at PenTeleData

Outage Reports

Showing history data for Dec 26, 2023Back to today
Logo1:00 AM4:00 AM7:00 AM10:00 AM1:00 PM4:00 PM7:00 PM10:00 PM


There were no incidents detected with PenTeleData on Dec 26, 2023.

Outage Map📍

PenTeleData outage map · Dec 26, 2023

Reports Summary

Overall on Dec 26, 2023 we received report mainly from Berlin