
Is Shentel facing service disruption? ❌


Shentel Corporation is a telecommunications provider headquartered in Edinburg, Virginia. The company operates in rural areas of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Shentel offers a range of services including high-speed internet, video, and voice services to residential and business customers. They also provide fiber-optic networking and data transport services to enterprise and carrier customers

No problems at Shentel

Outage Reports

Showing history data for Dec 21, 2023Back to today
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There were no incidents detected with Shentel on Dec 21, 2023.

Outage Map📍

Shentel outage map · Dec 21, 2023

Reports Summary

Overall on Dec 21, 2023 we received reports mainly from Brooklyn


Shentel, please fix your internet outage !


Hey. @Shentel is down for me (and not in a good way). Not their fault. (“Now is the time when . . . “) went paralyzed falcon before I could do the upload. Hoping this gets out. Upload forthcoming.