
Is Watch Dogs 2 down? ❌


Watch Dogs 2 is an action-adventure game developed and published by Ubisoft. It is the sequel to the 2014 game, Watch Dogs. The game is set in a fictionalized open-world version of the San Francisco Bay Area and follows the story of a group of hackers called DedSec who aim to take down corrupt corporations that exploit technology for their own gain

No problems at Watch Dogs 2

Outage Reports

Showing data for past 24 hours

Todays Incidents

There were no incidents detected with Watch Dogs 2 in past 24 hours.

Outage Map📍

Watch Dogs 2 outage map · 2025-03-25

Reports Summary

There is no reports summary for past 24 hours

Past Incidents


Will be at it again tonight 6pm CST, it's Watch dogs this time! Another game never played and eager to get into Tune In and say hi! Always down for chat! Hope to see you there!


Watch Dogs Legion servers are down.


@UbisoftSupport the email for more than 5 (business) days, please help me, I want to play Watch Dogs (I haven't finished the saga yet) I have tried many passwords that I could have set, but I have gotten to the point where this has happened to me, 'insert photo of my account being suspended'


@UbisoftSupport bro fix your dam system on watch dogs 2


Hey @UbisoftSupport hey are the servers down for watch dogs 2’?


IS BED BUG A COOL NAME? | WaTcH DoGs #7 #Watchdogs #YouTube