
Is Wordpress.com down? ❌


WordPress.com is a free web platform where users can create and manage their own websites and blogs. It is powered by the popular open-source content management system WordPress and offers a user-friendly interface with various customization options

No problems at Wordpress.com

Past Incidents


Been forced to work with vanilla javascript + PHP after months of working with the next.js app router. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm loving the simplicity of it. Everything just works, with no random errors. Wordpress can rot in **** though


✅ Marked safe from ChatGPT outage. It's just me here, building sites with WordPress, writing code, and making the internet fun again, no AI needed.


chatgpt is down but our WordPress AI plugin is always online baby 😎 own your chat history own your data 😉


Any WordPress experts in my TL? Need some help with a carousel issue on my site.


Updates are normal and necessary for WordPress websites. But what if an update completely takes down your site? Sometimes, your site could get stuck in maintenance mode after a failed update. Even if this happens, your data isn’t lost. Here are some troubleshooting tips 🧵


omg i accidentally canceled my domain without disconnecting jetpack from wordpress, and now i can't access the wp admin and keep getting non-stop jetpack error messages! what do i do?! 😭


Keep your website smooth & glitch-free with our proactive maintenance services. Elevate visitor experience! Stay tuned for valuable insights to unleash the full potential of your business. #SundayPlanning #WebsiteMaintenance #UserExperience #WordPress #AnimonLive


Working on monetizing my websites figuring out Wordpress for a few days now. Get approved for Google Adsense and remove 404 errors so I can get my website rank and traffic to show up on my Wordpress dashboard. If I can’t connect these services given access then I’m going to coding school.


What is the priority of adding error handling in your code, after benchmarking or before? #WordPress #memberpressdiscordpro


The Digimon blog post I'm working on now is my biggest project so far, but for some reason, WordPress glitches out from time to time and just takes a recently uploaded image in the post and changes all previous images to it... Already the third time I need to fix this.


Hello how are you doing today? Website woes got you down? Struggling to choose the right platform? I can help As a website builder expert in Shopify, Wix, WordPress, GoDaddy. I can guide you through design (from scratch or redesign) to find the perfect fit for your business.


Another day, another really annoying UI bug with @WordPress


👋Reminder to update your WordPress plugins today. If you see an error message that says something about update not being found. Check your premium plugin licenses are current. For some reason the past 2 weeks I've had many clients who had plugins expire.


Ok. Does anyone else I know use WordPress and actually code in HTML? I coded up my site. I am having stylistic issues here and pages are not showing up properly. I need help.


Don't let technical glitches take your website down! Backups minimize downtime. Stay tuned for easy #WordPress backup solutions in our next post! #webhosting #website


Today i solved a WordPress site problem


Any web developers out there with WordPress experience???? I need some assistance .


Ever wanted to build your dream WordPress site, but hesitated to hit publish? We've got the perfect solution: offline development! You can build your website locally without any web hosting or pressure from live visitors. This thread has all the tips you need to get started!


Bug fixes & a smoother website? Yes please! Regular #WordPress updates keep your site functioning flawlessly. I can handle auto & manual updates for a stress-free experience. #performance


Don't let outdated software slow your #WordPress website down! Updates are your security superhero, speed demon & compatibility captain. Say goodbye to dial-up loading times! #freelancer


My WordPress blog running in AWS Frankfurt region zone 3 experienced server error for about 3 min today while working on it, am just curious 🤔 if this happens alot or it's a one time thing @AWSSupport #aws


So the other day one of my client's @WordPress website went down, because a stupid plugin hadn't been updated. Just a constant reminder of how good @webflow is!


If you ever need to build a website don't do it on WordPress they are overpriced and they suck and is architected horribly and they play little glitch games


Does anyone have any experience working with WordPress and Titan email? Specifically DNS and DKIM within it. I can't send emails, but when I fixed that problem, the Iron Range Today site went down. Receiving emails just fine.


Keep your website running smoothly and glitch-free with our proactive maintenance services tips. Stay tuned for valuable insights to unleash the full potential of your business. #SundayPlanning #WebsiteMaintenance #UserExperience #WordPress #AnimonLive


Except now 'X posts' (fka tweets) don't load on our Wordpress site, have heard same elsewhere. @elonmusk @Support can you fix this?


I just uploaded a WordPress site from local to the server, and the URL is still showing a sample page instead of the final Home page... ¿Could it be a server cache problem? I think this is the first time this has happened to me.


Learned during today's outage that when @wpengine has a server failure (multiple clients affected), website error logs are also not available, so no way to even begin troubleshooting. Chat agents kinda clueless. #wordpress


TECH HELP - Anyone here that is both a Wordpress and Woo Commerce expert? Need some problem solving for a website issue I'm having. #TechSolutions #Wordpress #WooCommerce


Uh oh, a 500 Internal Server Error just took down your #WordPress site? 😩 This frustrating issue may seem like a mystery, but with the right tools and know-how, it's totally fixable. Let's dive into the easiest troubleshooting methods 🧵