is the Unisa website down ?
UNISA (University of South Africa) is a prominent distance education institution located in South Africa. It is one of the largest universities in the country and is known for its focus on open and distance learning, allowing students to pursue higher education without the need to attend traditional on-campus classes
No problems at Unisa
Outage Reports
Todays Incidents
There were no incidents detected with Unisa in past 24 hours.
Outage Map📍
Reports Summary
Overall in past 24 hours we received reports mainly from Vredenburg
Past Incidents
Dear @unisa, How is this online learning thing supposed to work when your website is forever down?
CTA journey at Unisa Was working 8 to 5 job Reach my place by then mamelodi Bath sleep 12am down to5am I'm.grinding 6am bath Leave my place To the train station To pta CBD Was working CBD It was was my life Today it's a different story
Is your system down @unisa? I've been trying to go to my admin for a day now...
In a surprise to no one, your website is down @unisa on a day when we have assignments to submit
Is it me alone or everyone is affected by this error message from My Unisa @unisa
Hi @unisa is Florida open today? Roodepoort has a power outage, would like to go complete assignments and submit
please fix the website @unisa