
Is Kayak down? ❌


Kayak is a travel search engine and online travel agency that provides its users with a platform to search and compare prices for flights, hotels, rental cars, and vacation packages. It aggregates information from hundreds of travel websites and allows users to either book directly through its platform or be redirected to the source website

No problems at Kayak

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 5 Mar 2024Back to today


There were no incidents detected with Kayak on 5 Mar 2024.

Outage Map📍

Kayak outage map · 5 Mar 2024

Reports Summary

There is no reports summary for 5 Mar 2024

It was a Jon Oliver show, site was Kayak and if you drill down, it looks like you can choose your plane as one of the options


Thanks for the add guy’s,.I enjoy using the Pacific action sail on my Viking reload wile hunting down the Bass #kayak #fish #kayakfish #Outdoorplay #outdoor


#DYK that squirrels are the most common cause of power outages? Don't be a squirrel. Stay 3 metres away at all times (the length of a kayak) #powerlinesafety


We Tested New AI Trip Planners From Despegar and Kayak: Fewer Errors, Still Buggy


'#DYK that squirrels are the most common cause of power outages? Don't be a squirrel. Stay 3 metres away at all times (the length of a kayak) #powerlinesafety


wanted to watch WAR today but logging in to prime video is such a "ugh 🤮" feeling. i think this is the first website/Internet experience where i had to put down a real need due to bad UX


Those dealing with the #outage do you have an ESIM or regular sim?


Gw capek sama kehidupan. Sometimes i'm questioning what's the point we should stand on mess situation that barely we're not create for? Apa hidup ini kayak permainan? I know we need the "pain" first to feel happy on forward. Tapi rasanya capek, problem keeps coming to me....