
Is Spectrum facing service interruption? ❌


Spectrum (former Charter Spectrum) is a brand under which Charter Communication offers their telecommunication services. It offers cable television, fiber Internet and telephone. It is the second largest cable operator in the U.S. serving over 26 million customers in 41 states

No problems at Spectrum


Spectrum fix your **** tf 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻


You suck @Ask_Spectrum 2 nights in a row of BS connection issues


Dear @JioCare & @reliancejio, I'm done with pathetic services. It's has been more than 22 days, and my internet is still not working. If you can't provide me the services, why have you given the connection. @TRAI you did a great job with spectrum. @DoT_India @AshwiniVaishnaw


Spectrum is making me so mad w this wifi outage I’ll be drinking a tequila soda until further notice


Power surges And my @spectrum internet down .. somebody gone credit my bill


Does having a problem with food texture make you automatically on the spectrum?


spectrum outage so ima use this time to meal prep :)


Just called @Ask_Spectrum to report the WiFi isn’t working. I was told there isn’t an outage. I go on Twitter and see this… Then they proceed to give us a $15 discount for the last 2 months of interruptions…. Spectrum needs to give their customers a month-2 months free.


How do I get off the spectrum? I’m done


🚨Important notice: As a result of last night's storms, the services of this consulate have been affected due to an outage of the internet @getspectrum will inform us as soon as the service is restored. We regret the inconvenience & appreciate your comprehension. @KansasCity


Oh really, Spectrum? An outage you say? I didn’t already know that TEN MINUTES AGO!


I'm ngl, if I had to fight and cuss spectrum for 3 months for them to do something about my internet for a maintenance guy to spend, not an exaggeration, 10 minutes on the line to fix it I might hurt someone. Physically and emotionally


loved spending my entire sunday evening trying to troubleshoot my internet connection problems thanks spectrum


Spectrum wants me to use the internet to see if I have an internet outage??


I am only now having ISP issues... I was trying to keep a eye on Fubuki's and Koyori's streams, but now I'm having a dropping internet connection. I wonder if Spectrum is working on lines again, there was the outage I had about 2 weeks ago after a big storm. 🤔


I hate Spectrum. At the exact moment I'm uploading to my site, ******* ISP goes down. I need to switch fr fr


I definitely should be looking, but fixing a Spectrum keyboard took priority. I still have a new membrane coming, but just wanted to temp fix it for now.


spectrum going down during a new episode of smiling friends fml


I've never had as many problems with a business that I'm paying for as I have with Spectrum.


Spectrum is so annoying. Service still isn’t restored. Like how is there even an outage?


Fix your **** @NASCARONFOX steam feed spectrum holy ****


I swear I hate having @GetSpectrum internet. It’s always either buffering or having an outage (like they have now for the last like 4 hours) smh.


I hate spectrum, it’s always a **** power outage but no storm 😒


Big news, spectrum is finally installing internet down my road. Hopefully I'll be able to start streaming again. 🖤☺️


For spectrum to have another outage… they need to gone head and discount my charges. It’s been off more than it’s been on this month


Another @GetSpectrum outage 🫠 what am I even paying for!?


Anyone else spectrum wifi not working?


as soon as spectrum see rain.. boom OUTAGE 😂


That it is a spectrum. But many folks are determined to misunderstand spectrums on many issues not just autism, sadly.


Two types of pokesona. I’m just a little critter or human being with human problems in a pokemon shape. It’s a spectrum.