
Is Dead By Daylight down?ย โŒ


Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer horror game developed by Behaviour Interactive. It was released in 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with ports for Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android released in subsequent years

No problems at Dead By Daylight


Day 9638 of @DeadbyDaylight Dedicated server is not responding


Easiest fix to dealing with ******** in end game chat (#DeadbyDaylight) disable chat to anonymous players. Easy. That way when someone tells another player to off themselves or some other hateful **** you have their name and profile to expose.


Fr all I need is for @Behaviour to fix the rubberbanding and server issues. I can deal with map bugs and perk bugs if it means i can play a lag free game without rubberbanding. #DeadbyDaylight


My favorite glitch by far in dead by daylight


Your **** game has been out for 7 years and you havenโ€™t thought of how to fix killers slugging you for 4 minutes. Does anyone there play the game? Fix your **** morons @DeadbyDaylight


Ended stream ridiculously early because my pc completely froze when closing @DeadbyDaylight while streaming. Please fix your game, #BHVR.


#DeadbyDaylight is honestly so depressing right now. Game barely works, people constantly exploiting, players throwing games at the slightest inconvenience... It's so hard to have fun with this game when the devs do nothing to fix bugs or toxicity in the community


I dont get it @DeadbyDaylight He's literally one of the most wholesome streamers out there. You cant even fix your game properly with hackers still running around.


dead by daylight pls fix ur game


The Kill Switch is a recent feature added to Dead by Daylight. It gives us the ability to temporarily switch off any items/offerings/maps/cosmetics/characters that are causing game breaking issues in the game, to ensure continued enjoyment. @dead


This glitch only seems to happen with Naughty Bear and it keeps scaring me. #deadbydaylight


Release an update patch to fix all the glitches and laggy server after your latest update. @DeadbyDaylight


hey @DeadbyDaylight you know people are abusing a map problem on garden of joy that they can climb on the side and there ain't **** I can do about it......


Ummmm, I think y'all got another glitch @DeadbyDaylight O_o


So @DeadbyDaylight are you all actively working to fix everything about your game considering nothing works properly anymore? But the store works fine so thatโ€™s important right!?


Iโ€™m sorry but what the **** is this @DeadbyDaylight -_- plz fix your game. You still havenโ€™t addressed all the issues since the update. ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿผ


Voice chat??? @DeadbyDaylight would NEVAAA do this to the base game due to the amount of toxicity, slurs, Twitch bans and all other **** **** that would go downโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ‘€


Day 3 of @DeadbyDaylight mess I got this message since the last update Dedicated server is not responding I try everything to fix it ???


PLEASE fix your servers @DeadbyDaylight itโ€™s been nothing but rubberbanding lately ;-(


Bug on The Game map I found it @DeadbyDaylight


anyone having network issues in dead by daylight? i am glitching all over my sessions. not fun times! @DeadbyDaylight


was gonna buy in game money in dead by daylight and my ps4 shut down i think its a sign


funniest glitch ever #dbd #DeadbyDaylight @DeadbyDaylight


Day 2 of #DeadbyDaylight mess Dedicated server is not responding


Bug alien map red florest main build - DBD @DeadbyDaylight @DbDBHVR_BR @Procyondbd


unfortunately, this means that due to my risk of seizures, I will be unable to play @DeadbyDaylight until this issue is resolved. if that's primarily what you watch my stream for, I'm sorry. things are going to be a little different for a while for my safety.


DBD needs to shut down the game and rework the entire game. every time when we get update the game broke down **** I just wanna enjoy the game @DeadbyDaylight


Dear @DeadbyDaylight THANK YOU SOOOO much for making me incredibly sick with your game. I'm VERY happy that there was extensive bug testing that allowed this intense flashing/strobing to pass into live. Sincerely, someone who has to use Lightborn because Blast Mine is too much.


so when are we fixing this im game stutter issue??? @DeadbyDaylight asking for a friend(:


Meg's skirt keeps glitching in the end game screen. Has happened for every game I've played tonight (4). Pls fix. @DeadbyDaylight