
Is Facebook down? ❌


Facebook is a social media platform and technology company founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates in 2004. Facebook's mission is to connect people and help them share and communicate with friends, family, and other individuals, as well as discover and engage with content from around the world

No problems at Facebook

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 6 Mar 2024Back to today
Logo6 Mar03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00End: 08:29Start: 09:50End: 10:30Start: 12:00End: 19:35Start: 20:55End: 21:55


There were 4 incidents detected with Facebook on 6 Mar 2024:

Started at 15:24
17 hrs 5 mins

Started approximately at 15:24 and ended around 08:29 lasting about 17 hours 5 minutes

During the incident we received reports mainly from 🇺🇸 United States - Bessemer, Birmingham, Brewton, Florence, Madison, Mobile, Northport, Phenix City, Warrior, Wetumpka, Bentonville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Hot Springs, Little Rock, Mountain Home, North Little Rock, Siloam Springs, Springdale, Texarkana and 497 other cities

Started at 09:50
39 mins

Started approximately at 09:50 and ended around 10:30 lasting about 39 minutes

Started at 12:00
7 hrs 35 mins

Started approximately at 12:00 and ended around 19:35 lasting about 7 hours 35 minutes

During the incident we received reports mainly from 🇺🇸 United States - Columbus, Buffalo, West Sacramento

Started at 20:55
59 mins

Started approximately at 20:55 and ended around 21:55 lasting about 59 minutes

Outage Map📍

Facebook outage map · 6 Mar 2024

Reports Summary

Overall on 6 Mar 2024 we received reports mainly from 🇺🇸 United States - Raleigh, Columbus, Nashville, Hollis Center, Buffalo, Marshfield, West Sacramento


Those of you shouting about monetization on Facebook,be aware that scammers are now using that method to hack people's Facebook accounts. They send messages claiming that your account is not eligible for monetization due to copyright issues & ask you to click a link to enable it.


Facebook and Instgram are down again 😂😂


Facebook is messy down i do not miss it 😭


Facebook is trash simply because you have to stay on their app to watch videos… @facebook fix that


Facebook crackin soooo hard and i don’t have no service 😩


No I am not down bad, I am just commenting happy birthday on a Facebook post.


Is Facebook not working for anybody else right now?


@facebook @Meta unlock my Facebook account? Dafuq


send me an email I am available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week #facebook down I think Facebook is down, try logging in with my account.


I just wanted to try #METAAI but I can't without having a Facebook account. #META can you fix it?


How do you answer "What social media sites are you on" "Do you have a facebook" so.... @facebook Why can't I reset my password ever, I've not tried in a long time...


Is Facebook down?


#EagleOfIslam You have a problem with me. I'm pretty sure a status on Facebook won't fix it.


my facebook is not working im sad


Is Facebook not working for anyone else on desktop right now?


Facebook morons Support Facebook pages They asked me to create an advertising account after I created it I was surprised by a message Your advertising account has been restricted The opt-in issue will be resolved after two months Really great support They need a psychiatrist


Is fb down ?


I want that picture on Facebook DOWN 😭


facebook down I think Facebook is down, try logging in with my account. I'm logged out for a reason


Facebook is also not working without VPN… 🫡


Facebook is the problem. Fact.


Any iPhone users having issues sharing to Facebook?


We need to shut Facebook Down.


@facebook My Facebook ID is not logging in, nor am I able to recover the password. I am unable to log in to my ID due to forgetting the password, please solve this problem as soon as possible.


My facebook hiatus might go a little longer than what I expected!!! We going to see how I feel!!!


From Facebook.


I'm learning FB ads right now. What does it mean if I don't get any conversions (sales) from the landing page? Let's say I got 1K landing page views and 0 sales. Is the problem with the product or the quality of the traffic? 🤔


Is Facebook down? I can't login...


@Meta I'll buy 2 of them if u get my facebook account back for me, after I was hacked 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Anyone else receiving this Facebook error? Can't log in to my account