
Is Kik down? ❌


Kik Messenger, commonly referred to as Kik, was a free instant messaging app developed by Kik Interactive. It was launched in 2010 and gained popularity for its unique username-based system that allowed users to connect and communicate with each other without sharing personal phone numbers

No problems at Kik

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 10 Mar 2024Back to today
Logo10 Mar03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00


There were no incidents detected with Kik on 10 Mar 2024.

Outage Map📍

Kik outage map · 10 Mar 2024

Reports Summary

Overall on 10 Mar 2024 we received report mainly from Ede, 🇳🇱 Kingdom of the Netherlands


i got groomed soooo bad on kik when i think about it


#Kik (@Kik) is down


Also kik and telegram


I hacked Malacai **** so goood I’m telling y’all i was in Kik Google mail/text (he got down on Google) Instagram Twitter TEXT FREEE iMessage


Is anyone else having trouble with the Kik messaging app, I can't receive any messages at all, something doesn't seem right, Why is kik down now? I don't get it! It's been working fine for the last few months! Why is it going silly and rubbish again, Get someone to fix it! 😓