
Is Microsoft Azure down? ❌


Microsoft Azure, commonly referred to as Azure, is a cloud computing platform and suite of services provided by Microsoft

No problems at Microsoft Azure


When creating a new Fabric capacity with my personal Azure account I get an error: Unsupported account - You cannot create a Microsoft capacity using a personal account. Use your organizational account instead. What's the best way of using fabric as an individual? @AzureSupport


When trying to create a new Azure Function I get "The subscription is not allowed to create or update the serverfarm" as an error. So no Azure Function gets created. Online I read many similar issues. Has anyone been able to fix this? @AzureSupport


is #azuredevops down? @AzureDevOps @AzureSupport #azure


Hello @AzureSupport , we get issue since yesterday, all our CI/CD is down (jenkins or Devops agent), our tools are not able anymore to pull from Azure devops git repository, we experiments timeouts or git client never ask for authentication. Could you help us?


Dear @AzureSupport, There's an urgent need to address the issue where deleting an App Service without unlinking its associated services prevents users from deleting its VNET due to the "Cannot delete a subnet due to App Service link..." error.


@AzureSupport Hi I've sent an appeal for my Microsoft account because it got locked when I signed in on the learn section for azure sandboxing. This was a week ago and support page says 24-36h. Could you help me with this?


Hi @AzureSupport Do you any problem now ? The GUI is very slow, and i have a lot a problem on with my ansible/terraform script on azure steps (time out)


Hi @AzureSupport , Is Microsoft having issues on it's Azure Platform?


hey @azure @AzureSupport since AzureSQL has been down for about 70 minutes at this point, please update your status page


Hi, @AzureSupport 👋🏻 I'm having issues with Cloud Shell in the European region. Could you help us? Thanks in advance!


Twilio SMS callback gives 502 bad gateway error @twilio @AzureSupport


Had an amazing experience with @AzureSupport. 19 minutes after submitting the ticket I received an email saying the issue with my account had been resolved and sure enough it was.


anyone seeing issues with timeouts connecting to @Azure ServiceBus? I'm starting to see all kinds of connection timeouts. @AzureSupport


Azure portal down???? @AzureSupport


Getting timeouts for Logic Apps responses in western europe. Any know issues? @AzureSupport


Unable to enable my #PIM roles on the #Azure, PIM section is too slow and getting the error "ajaxExtended call failed". @AzureSupport @Azure Any updates??


Jaiks.. Anyone else havving issues with PIM this morning? #Help #AzureSupport #Microsoft


I have a problem with my subscription @azuresupport #azhelp:


We do not have any update from @AzureSupport yet, but we now appear to be fully back online. Testing any further interruptions may still occur as we have not heard from them yet what issues may remain.


Hey @AzureSupport I have been unable to access my azure portal for almost 3days now. The OTP can not be sent to my phone number. Consequently, I remain locked out of my account. Is there an issue with my account or a problem from your end? @Azure


App is down for last 24h and I’m not sure it will be up for this GW, @Azure screwed this up royally and @AzureSupport is telling me that they’re trying to fix this but idk. Sorry 😔


Did anyone encountered the issue of Microsoft.Web resource provider being stuck in registering state ? #Azure #Microsoft @AzureSupport


Hello @AzureSupport , how long should I keep having an error while trying to delete a ressource : "Cannot modify resource with id *** because the resource entity provisioning state is not terminal." ? It's been several hours... #Azure


Hey, @AzureSupport looks like you are down this morning.


Hey there @AzureSupport I am fed up with sign up issues , I really want a agent support for this one


Hello @AzureSupport I had a perfectly working app in App Service, I upgraded the app service plan to go live and suddenly starts to crash after some minutes, with no error messages in log stream. Would appreciate some help, please 🥺


I desperately need to talk to a human at @AzureSupport about a pretty complicated but dire billing problem.