
Is Target down? ❌


Target Corporation is a retail company that operates a chain of general merchandise stores. It is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is one of the largest retailers in the United States. Target offers a wide range of products including clothing, electronics, home goods, toys, groceries, and more

No problems at Target


Wow... The "rusians will make f-16s their primary target" problem is mostly solved already lol.


🔍 Investing in custom software? 💻💰 Don't rush! 🛑 Ask: 1. Problems to solve? 2. Target audience? 3. Budget? 4. Essential features? 5. Monetization plan? 6. Dev team experience? 7. App security? 8. Long-term costs? 9. Timeline? 10. Dev process? Ask now, save later! 🚀🔍


The target is offline pulak.


Credit to @coles - they’ve already shutdown this scam by taking the target webpage down. Six hours is pretty good.


Book: Noise. A Flaw in Human Judgement. Part 3 3) It is wrong to think that random errors do not matter, because they “cancel out”. If multiple shots are scattered around the target, it is unhelpful to say that, on average, they hit the bull’s eye. #read


Day 14 with no internet service in my home. I am extra crabby. Target date now given for restoration of service is 5/2. Grrr.


My sister touch down she got me in target


2009- final Reaction error 2016 - final Reaction error 2020- eliminator reaction error 2022- 68 allout reaction error 2024- break's 263 reaction error 2024- 287 We have set the highest IPL target,Reaction error.dammu unte veetipaina revenge therchukondi ..


Anyone still having issues with beyond the gates order on target ? #target #JurassicPark still can’t order !! #collectjurassic


In video-game reviews: 7/10 means 5/10, 8/10 means 7/10, 9/10 means 8.5/10, and 10/10 is somewhere between 9-10. If a game is less than 7, the reviewer really didn't like it (not target audience, theme/political mismatch) or there were really big problems (bugs, crashes, etc).


Hate to see more judgmental incoming whenever there’s a small issues being resolved matter or not they think can be easy target wanna make jokes here & that whatsoever


If you want to fix a game then obvious target is Referee Anyone pretending that couldn't happen in England is only fooling themselves


2 profiles missing... with the deletion/renaming of 1 acc, prolly for the recycle huh? I had to address this issue in SEG forum to stop spam farming, name change here is based on @ rather than user ID so when @ name is changed you lose track of target.


Hahaha, the yellow line is the weaksauce target Dems pledged that was already woefully inadequate to address the issue in time to be useful, why would they post this, we're so ******* cooked.


ERROR on target, the bias and trade setup was the same


#EliteDangerous Titan Oya is down. Whos the next Target? o7


Nothing gets me more rock hard than being efficient in my rare down time. Got laundry completed already. Got a 90 min workout in. Hit costco and target for groceries. Now I’m onto meal prepping. All before noon. Love that for me.


Texas grid about go down down that’s wild. Most centralized grid to target first.


it’s been less than 24 hours since #TSTTPD released and i’m already down bad for this album!!!! had to go to target for my favorite release day tradition🥺🤍 @taylornation13 @taylorswift13


my target app isn’t working, anyone else having this issue?


My writing is enriched w/ my jing-xiao industrial support co gets job: in firefly/serenity typical game: the preacher 'diversity role' has 'mind wipe you' which gets crew: IG form, black guy out, target xenos at problem 1 ethnicity+causer 2 ethnicity 24" range & fire at targets.


Well, there is such a thing as "translated wrong" ---when the translator has made a genuine error. The "it" for me is whether the translation can reliably be said to be true both to the original, and the target language. It can be a good translation even if we don't much like it.


🇺🇸 911 OUTAGES ACROSS U.S. Police forces across four states (South Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, and Texas) reported 911 outages last night. Homeland Security is investigating if the outage was an act of sabotage with the target being fibre optic lines supporting 911. Source: ABC News


@Fenrirtheicewo1 Bud Light, Target, Warhammer, Marvel,


What am I missing? Are @minnesotalynx tickets not for sale yet at Target Center? All I see on ticketmaster is away games. User error? 🤷‍♂️


Field down at the Target Center. The @Minnesota_Myth are ready to roll. Let’s this thing started! @RFoggie


It's been a week I got busy with some stuffs and was not able to post and learn anything from the cohort. Eagerly waiting to start again cohort videos and meet @kirat_tw in the videos😜 0-1 is almost completed only offline videos are left 🚀Target by upcoming Saturday or Sunday


Just got an error "ERROR: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation". I thought I was writing a SQL query; not playing Dungeons & bleeding Dragons!


the QR code, the error 321, the “serpentine” code at target going to TTPD @taylorswift13 I NEED ANSWERS


#Ethereum $ETH ETH has reached my target zone my next target will be $3,560 👀📈