
Is Windows Azure down? ❌


Windows Azure, now known as Microsoft Azure, is a cloud computing platform and service offered by Microsoft. It provides a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage, and networking, and allows users to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers

No problems at Windows Azure


after spending an entire day attempting to deploy a windows-based VM in azure cloud and repeatedly slamming face first into licensing issues i've come to the conclusion that no-one understands microsoft licensing, not even microsoft


Is @Azure KV down? I consistently receive the error message: "The connection to the data plane failed. Please refresh and try again."


"Sight Machine’s Factory CoPilot, powered by Azure OpenAI services, brings unprecedented ease of access to manufacturing problem solving, analysis and reporting, for all stakeholders, regardless of data proficiency" - Sight Machine CEO Jon Sobel #HM24 #HannoverMesse


When creating a new Fabric capacity with my personal Azure account I get an error: Unsupported account - You cannot create a Microsoft capacity using a personal account. Use your organizational account instead. What's the best way of using fabric as an individual? @AzureSupport


When trying to create a new Azure Function I get "The subscription is not allowed to create or update the serverfarm" as an error. So no Azure Function gets created. Online I read many similar issues. Has anyone been able to fix this? @AzureSupport


#SPHelp anyone managed to fix a broken #SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application Principal before? It exists in Azure AD - API access page in Admin updates it, but pages with SPFX content can't use it!


#ChatGPT down?? #cloud #devops #letsconnect #developers #technology #aws #Azure #connect


is #azuredevops down? @AzureDevOps @AzureSupport #azure


Hello @AzureSupport , we get issue since yesterday, all our CI/CD is down (jenkins or Devops agent), our tools are not able anymore to pull from Azure devops git repository, we experiments timeouts or git client never ask for authentication. Could you help us?


Anyone else having issues with git repositories in Azure? Having major connectivity problems - not just from my location (UK) but with other colleagues too. #azure #git


My shop now correctly displays my #Azure AI-900 book for pre-order. :-) There was an issue apparently with the cover image, which is now resolved. For anyone interested in reviewing the book, let me know and I'll get you on the list! Launch date is end of May.


AI can be trained using reinforcement learning, a method inspired by how humans learn through trial and error. It allows AI to adapt and improve without specific instructions. #DevOps #cloud #IaC #aws #100DaysOfCode #GitOps #Kubernetes #Azure #k8s #git


#github down?? #cloud #devops #letsconnect #developers #technology #aws #Azure #connect


Below are some few scenarios of how a raise exception can be performed for #Python error handling in a function #PythonProgramming #concepts #azure @Azure @googlecloud @TelAvivUni @HebrewU @KIITUniversity


Today's Azure Deployment error goes to this little gem: "The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'." Error because of a failure...


Got stuck on how to get trial number in azure communication service, currently not included in the free subscription. @Azure pricing is also not listed for purchasing the trial number. Please help me to figure out this issue. #Software #development


I am getting rather tired of Azure's constant failures and random errors. We keep having a 'Backend call failure' with a standard SKU static site. I am seriously considering switching to AWS. At least there I don't have to deal with consistent random errors from the infra.


anyone having a PS or CLI script to validate Azure App Service quotas for a given region, so it doesn't error my pipeline deployments?


I also plan to go back over it to fix little errors and any names that were romanized wrong (Aja -> Azure etc.) and also maybe use "Junk Dealer" instead of "Junk Tech"? I've preferred to use Dealer in all my translations since then


@AzureSupport Hi I've sent an appeal for my Microsoft account because it got locked when I signed in on the learn section for azure sandboxing. This was a week ago and support page says 24-36h. Could you help me with this?


Hi @AzureSupport Do you any problem now ? The GUI is very slow, and i have a lot a problem on with my ansible/terraform script on azure steps (time out)


Apparently, Ship 2 is down. Something broke. Several people are actually seeing that all ships are down, so I assume something Azure related has died


Does anyone know of any issues or gotchas on QAT Intel Software acceleration when doing SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure? #sqlhelp @GlennAlanBerry


Hi @AzureSupport , Is Microsoft having issues on it's Azure Platform?


.@StartGG something going on with your DB right now? Getting this azure DB error pretty consistently over the last couple hours


Anyone know why I might be getting this update error on Azure Stack HCI 23H2? @jantorep @NZ_BenThomas @WorkingHardInIT


You're publishing to an Azure App Service. But something's not working quite right. How do you troubleshoot it? Let's look at working with logging in Azure App Services. #azure #dotnet #ASPNetCore


Is Snowflake down? #Snowflake status: Azure - East US 2 (Virginia 🇺🇸): INC0105911. More: Seeing this? Please retweet. 🙏 @SnowflakeDB can you help? #SnowflakeDown 😱


“i love being a principal data engineer” azure sql east experiencing massive outage and for some reason my group didn’t set up a failover region now i’m on a call with all the stakeholders


# AZURE East US SQL servers down…🤔