
Is Authorize.net down? ❌


Authorize.Net is a widely used online payment gateway and merchant services provider that allows businesses to accept and process credit card payments, electronic checks, and other forms of online payments. It offers a range of features and tools to facilitate secure and efficient online transactions for e-commerce websites, businesses, and organizations

No problems at Authorize.net

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 12 Mar 2024Back to today
Logo12 Mar03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00


There were no incidents detected with Authorize.net on 12 Mar 2024.

Outage Map📍

Authorize.net outage map · 12 Mar 2024

Reports Summary

There is no reports summary for 12 Mar 2024

We are having major issues with order from Canada @AuthorizeNet . called and was waiting so long. tried the chat, followed what they said and still getting orders not going thru. about to leave your services. Just horrible customer service.