
Is Equifax down? ❌

Equifax is one of the three major consumer credit reporting agencies in the United States, alongside Experian and TransUnion. It is a global information solutions company that provides a range of services related to credit reporting, risk assessment, and identity verification

No problems at Equifax

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 5 Dec 2023Back to today
Logo5 Dec03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00


There were no incidents detected with Equifax on 5 Dec 2023.

Outage Map📍

Equifax outage map · 5 Dec 2023

Reports Summary

Overall on 5 Dec 2023 we received reports mainly from 🇺🇸 United States - Washington, Kansas City, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Diego, Amarillo


Cannot change login password via @Equifax website. Keep getting error message that it is temporarily unable to do so. Very frustrating and more permanent than temporary? Please advise. No problem with the other services.


Tell @Equifax @Experian_US @TransUnion to fix errors quickly, make credit reports free indefinitely! Sign @CRAdvocacy petition: #CreditCheckup


Why is when there is an error on your @TransUnion @Equifax credit report you have to do more than just call them to have them sorted out. Requesting to mail a form and gather information to send them.