
Is Nintendo Network down? ❌


Nintendo Network is an online gaming service for Nintendo consoles, including the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. It allows users to play games online, download digital content, and interact with other players. Users can also create a Nintendo Network ID, which functions as their online profile and is used to access online features and services

No problems at Nintendo Network


Nintendo just says "Yeah we have successor of Switch, however we will announce next year. So, calm down. Next direct just only information of switch games, set low your expectation bar for now"


This is such a great series of games (sadly so don’t have a copy of the first game). I hope we get another Team Ninja developed sequel for the new Nintendo console when it’s out. MUA3 is an amazing game held back by technical issues on Switch.


Nintendo Glitch


my problem is the more people say **** like this, the more likely nintendo is to just get lazy with their style again


i literally sat down my nintendo switch to grab my apartment keys and then was like “wait why is my nintendo switch not in my hands” and stopped to get it like what was i even doing


you know what's crazy? this is the fourth time i got hit by a coin flip glitch in a nintendo switch game first time was new pokemon snap, then sparks of hope (which locked me out of 100%), then splatoon 3's big run, and now endless ocean luminous this ******* sucks


Do you think if we all collectively went back to Splatoon 2, Nintendo would want to continue with patches and fix shooter meta?


This Switch lite is in rough shape. Bad stick, and bad bumpers from a drop. We fix all Switch issues including no power, no video, no wifi, not reading, overheating, and button issues! #switch #nintendo #repair #austin #local #game #gamers #gaming #gamergirl


An error accur and ITS OUR FAULT??’’abbens now im back at profes??;?:)3)2!/!!::&:’ d and HAMMER!!:!:!:!/! NINTENDO ******* SUCKS


Only have this issue on Nintendo and Xbox lol


I need this Nintendo power issue so ******* bad


nintendo rlly gotta use the cashapp glitch after gmod had assets for 20 years 😥they gon go BROKE!!


Me when I have to call Nintendo bcuz they won’t take my card and it’s an issue with my Nintendo (I need to call them soon before my online membership runs out) 😥😥


Nintendo. FIX YOUR **** SERVERS #Splatoon3


What Sony PlayStation has done with Helldivers 2 is such perfect example of short term thinking. Besides Nintendo consoles will not be around in 15 years time so when Sony is FORCED to transition over to PC Gamers will remember this incident & will not trust them.


Nintendo is going to be in their own fanboy bubble. They have draconian issues going on with themselves, but right now, Sony can go ahead and crawl back to their console boxes and leave PC gaming.


Holy ****. This just just makes the PSN thing even more of a non issue cause I completely forgot I had to make a US account to use the Nintendo eShop and I've been using it without issue since forever.


Day 9 Asking @NintendoAmerica @Nintendo for a Legend of Zelda Windwaker switch port. #Nintendo #NintendoSwich #Zelda #Windwaker


After the most recent #Nintendo Switch software update, 99% of the time I try and join a raid, I get this error message. I'm hoping this will get fixed as I'm paying for Nintendo Online and I can't even use the service I'm paying for. :/ Anyone else have this recently?


I have no problem with Sony games requiring players to sign with PSN account on PC. Since Microsoft does it no big deal. However if the game doesn't have that system at launch or the first week; regardless if it's Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo then it shouldn't be there at all.


One thing Nintendo Switch has over every console in existence is its not affected by power outages....


rlly wish Nintendo would help fix screen bc screen could genuinely be a cool and fun special but the accessibility **** just hurts it so much


>download is half way done >error has occurred, download canceled nintendo switch why are you so **** just LET ME FINISH DOWNLOADING WHAT ALREADY DOWNLOADED INSTEAD OF CANCELING THE WHOLE THING


so pc players have a problem with signing up for a psn account but will gladly sign up for a Microsoft, gmail, netflix, disney plus, nintendo and any other website or game? like ...when a new mmo comes out, sometimes you need to that. ive never seen backlash on that lol.


I’m happy I didn’t bug mom to buy me this game when it came out. #nerd #comedy #retrogaming #marvel #nintendo #thepunisher


i wasn’t an ipad kid, i was a pink nintendo DS girl


28 Nintendo GameCube Controllers for sale! Black, indigo, platinum, emerald, JP white, and smash4 white controllers. They are all T3, and not in good condition. Please use them for repair or your practice! $560 🙆‍♂️


Day 5 of me asking @NintendoAmerica @Nintendo for a Legend of Zelda Windwaker switch port. #Nintendo #NintendoSwich #Zelda #Windwaker


finding out about this Nintendo DS game that helps you quit smoking is making me want to start smoking so I can see if it actually works


nintendo stop giving me an error code or i WILL nuke you