
Is Pokémon GO down? ❌


Pokémon GO is a popular augmented reality (AR) mobile game developed by Niantic in collaboration with The Pokémon Company and Nintendo. The game was released in 2016 and quickly gained widespread popularity, combining the Pokémon franchise with real-world exploration and interactive gameplay.

No problems at Pokémon GO

Outage Reports

Showing history data for 9 Mar 2024Back to today
Logo9 Mar03:0006:0009:0012:0015:0018:0021:00


There were no incidents detected with Pokémon GO on 9 Mar 2024.

Outage Map📍

Pokémon GO outage map · 9 Mar 2024

Reports Summary

Overall on 9 Mar 2024 we received report mainly from Newington, 🇺🇸 United States


@PokemonGoApp Can you guys please consider adding an option to change your name again after a certain amount of years? My name on my game no longer reflects me. Ive been on the game on the same account since it came out basically. I'd be happy to pay to name change again!


Wtf is happening to pokemon go? This is the weirdest glitch I have seen in a while lol


Hey @NianticHelp i cant choose Pikachu, Ph.D. pose the error message appears..¿any solution to this? #ポケモンGOフレンド募集 #PokemonGO #ポケモンGO色違い #ポケモンGOしてる人と繋がりたい #PokemonGoFriendsCode #PokemonScarletViolet


Nice glitch @NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp


When are these GBL issues going to get fixed @NianticHelp @NianticLabs ?? Cost me my 5-0 set #GBL #PokemonGO #GoBattleLag


Could you fix your game @NianticHelp I just defeated Sierra, your game crashed and I couldn’t have my encounter with trapinch 🙄 and I couldn’t even get my rocket radar back. @PokemonGoApp


Fix your game #NianticHelp #PokemonGOApp 😭


Where can you find help for pokemon go app if you can’t start a new chat clicking “Chat with us” in the app itselfs? @NianticHelp Bug???


We currently have some GPS issues in Cyprus, but now it seems that is working so I can join some Registeel raids 🙌🙏😊 #PokemonGo #PurpleFeebas #ポケモンGO


Did they change how Zorua spawns or is this a glitch issue from the recent update? @NianticHelp @NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp ?


Fix this @NianticHelp @NianticLabs #PokemonGO


Yep im done … @NianticHelp @NianticLabs same problem; different season #PokemonGO #PokemonGOApp


#PokemonGO Servers down? @NianticHelp


Pokemon Go down for anyone else in East Coast??? Went in a raid, kicked me and my group out, and now we're all stuck on the loading screen???? During raid hour???? #PokemonGo #RaidHour #PokemonGoRaidHour #PokemonGoDown


Pokemon Go down? 🗿🙃 got kicked out of a raid 🙄


Stuff like this has been happening in my GBL games over the past week more than any other time. #PokemonGO #GOBattleLeague @NianticHelp can we please fix these issues?


Got the weirdest glitch in #PokemonGo 😅


I see a small problem with the new background update 😅 #PokemonGO #PoGo #Pokemon


Has anyone else noticed this happening with the update? We don't get a full circle of sparkles now 🥺 fix your game 🫡 @NianticLabs @NianticHelp #PokemonGO #PokemonGOApp


Pokémon GO has a new look with refreshed visuals! 😎 Trainers around the world can now discover biomes in different environments! Can you explore them all? 🤩 #RediscoverGO #PokemonGO


The avatar update was surely the worst thing @NianticHelp @PokemonGoApp every put in the game and i hope they fix it. But this second update with overworld map and encounter background/pokeball change is very nice.


Customizing my avatar seasonally, matching buddies and events was one of my favourite parts of the game! Plus new events = New items in the shop 😍 Most options are now unwearable. Please fix this 🙏 #RediscoverGo @PokemonGoApp @NianticHelp @NianticLabs


Ootd after the avatar update! Is there any other option? 🤔 @PokemonGoApp @NianticHelp @NianticLabs Fix? 😭 #RediscoverGo #PokemonGOApp #reverttheavatars


Having problems accessing both my #PokemonGOApp and my email. The latter is through an out of date browser that shouldn't be a problem.


Hey @NianticHelp @PokemonGoApp How do I fix this? Looks horrible


Anyone else having problems logging into #PokemonGO ?


Yo?The servers are down or sumn???#PokemonGO


Game breaking issues like this existing in the game, and Niantic not addressing it, nor compensating players when these bugs happen is really bad for the health of the game! #pokemonGO 1/4


Are the Pokémon GO servers still down?🤨 Maybe they heard y’all complaining and decided to shut the game down LOL I’m jk but yeah mine still isn’t loading at all #PokemonGO


Not gonna play the game until you fix or give us an option to get the old avatars back. @NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp I just can't look at my avatar, it's painful. I'd like to request a refund for the items I bought in the shop because they used to look different. @NianticHelp