
Is Simple down? ❌

A simple neobank is a digital bank that offers basic banking services through a mobile app or website. These neobanks typically focus on providing a streamlined and user-friendly experience, without the complex features and services offered by traditional banks

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Past Incidents


It always helps to keep your profile bio simple while at the same time giving new visitors everything they need to know about what you’re currently up to. Notice I have the @pacmoon_ and @fantasy_top_ info with codes and links before you even start to scroll down.


Wont fix any issues the game has, meshing, hackers, simple bug and lag issues but no this is the priority Game fell off hard


Let's build a simple Python program from the #wsl2 terminal. #GUI_to_CLI #Windows_to_Linux #vim Please don't forget about the error it's a part of learning.


Haha what a miss that from sinner. First I have seen him do a simple error today


Folks be crying bout not being @'d when the app does stupid **** like this 🙄🙄 not the behavior I'm looking for. If you're reading my tweet, **** you and your emotional parts cause why is Twitter so deflective when it comes to simple navigation? Visibility? Can you fix that?


Dogs are just tired you can see it simple skill errors


Guess I’m done with @AirtelNigeria you network has been terrible lately especially when it rains. Does it mean your fiber cables needs to dry 🤦🏾 even at that can’t open a simple page. @MTNNG be ready to welcome a new customer. p:s @AirtelNigeria please sort this out I beg you🙏🏾


I can no longer support @signalapp, my disappointment is just too big. Been asking a simple question for over a year with 0 replies. Recently lost ALL my chats due to an issue they said they will fix. I do have a backup, which can't be restored! Reached out. 0 help with that too.


😮😮😮 Texas softball may have just lost the championship on a simple base running error.


Make sure you have MULTIPLE brokers and Dry powder Wealth simple is down I’m diversifying my position amongst brokers


Can someone tell me how epic games have over 30 billion dollars but can’t stop the most simple fking glitch from happening in a video game. Lazy mfers I swear, then when you find out a glitch exists you take 7 months to fix it.


Robodebt wasn’t some simple little error, it was illegal.


💡 Daily Tip for building an app with no-code tools: Start small! Focus on solving a specific problem or creating a simple feature. Iterate based on feedback and keep improving. Dive in and have fun! 🚀 #NoCode #buildinpublic


Or make it law that bills are only one page long...and deal with one issue only. Simple math!


Worth a watch, but the simple message that needs to be stressed for the fix is: #TaxTheBillionaires 👇


🚨#BREAKING SEVERE Weather Update! 🚨 #TEXAS | #OKLAHOMA (PLEASE Share!) 👉This comes on the heels of concerning Outages to AT&T, Verizon Services & Nexrad Weather Radar 👉We are seeing a clear 'enhancement' of what Should be a simple storm system later this afternoon. #weather #radar #tornado


Our ac unit went out last night. The technician is on their way, fingers crossed it’s a simple fix🤞😭


What on earth is wrong with access bank app? Can't do a simple transaction since morning.


in the corporate world, if you send an email saying “attached is the file” and you forget to actually attach it, that’s not a simple mistake with an easy fix. it’s an error only punishable by d*ath ^ my boss probably


It should be simple. A clear & obvious error should be quick & easy to spot. Let VAR watch an incident back at normal speed from 2 angles, and if they don't spot an error then a clear & obvious error hasn't been made so the referee's decision stands. #bbcfootball


Defold is an engine that deserves more attention than it gets. Open-Source, supports consoles, simple to use! Lua by default, but can use other languages with plugins. It's genuinely a great option for indie devs and game jammers!


I FINALLY managed to fix my linux mint installation amd can dual boot into both it amd windows, turns out the fix was somewhat simple enough but I finally got it working, time to update stuff and install some drivers


Simple Apple Music needs to fix that only


Dealing with 404 errors can be simple: 1️⃣ Implement redirects for missing pages. 2️⃣ Regularly scan for broken links using SEO tools. 3️⃣ Design a helpful 404 page that redirects visitors to active pages. Learn more about optimizing your site in our #KickbyteUXSeries.


This time (18 months) has passed since ChatGPT was released and people cant even do a simple task now when ChatGPT servers goes down. Embarrassing


Sewer line issues can be messy and unpleasant, but our plumbers are here to help. We offer reliable sewer line repair services to keep your plumbing system functioning properly. Whether you need a simple repair or a full replacement, we'll get the job done right.


Regarding pin login such as Fido U2F, it was an error due to a simple personal issue. It was a simple update crash issue. It wasn't an NNS issue, it wasn't an issue for Ledger. I reinstalled chrome, and it was resolved simply by returning the update settings. 😅😅


Thought I had a storage problem. Turns out it was a simple update. 😈


The thought occurs to me that with the new way I'm making my generators and tools, I could very well have/sell versions that are "offline" separately and alongside the relevant PDF. For now, they are in a simple HTML style format, but it *could* be done *dons pondering hat*


If I get the ******* cabbage error for starting mission 2 again for the 20th time I’m gonna simple admit myself