
Is Spotify down? ❌


Spotify is a popular music streaming service that allows users to access a vast library of music tracks, albums, and playlists from various artists and genres. It provides a convenient way to listen to music online, discover new songs, create personalized playlists, and share music with others

No problems at Spotify


Is it just me or is anyone else having issues with Spotify lately? Music keeps stopping, but not actually pausing, and the song that's playing doesn't appear on the bottom in the app sometimes.


Let's run down the list of social media sites banned in China (your country): The BBC Instagram Gmail Spotify Wikipedia WhatsApp YouTube Snapchat Quora Slack


Well, I ****** up. Human Error is out on Spotify early! Go stream it now, link below, and get hype for the video coming out on Saturday (coming to patreon as early as possible) I guess I guess you could say I made a A human err


.@FrancisDearnley @DomNicholls @djknowles22 Major sound problems on Ukraine the Latest pods. Not loud enough for at least 2 days. Spotify, android phone, W10, Firefox. A fan.


stream in kogou while working....🥰no spotify, no problem.....😀always there's a way....


tried to organize my spotify and still is a mess lmao too much random playlists problems


spotify please fix your algorithm gimme some new **** pleaseeee


are spotify canvases down for anyone else?


😲 #KDot has broken Spotify server; "Not Like Us" currently not working; to busy! #KendrickLamar


Spotify you can paywall things as much as you want. I’m not paying for your ****


spotify shuffle just played colours then shut down consecutively - it knows


Spotify offline - you need to be online sometimes 👍


Hey @Spotify where did the "similar artist" section go. I found it very useful and yours better than your competitors. Or is there just a problem with my app?


Same, but it's I'm not on any playlists and it's my follower count on Spotify going down instead 🙃


Ah yo Spotify wtf ????? This is the second time you charging me even tho my subscription hasn’t expired. I thought the first one two weeks ago was a glitch so I paid anyway. Yo wtf ?@Spotify ?????


Been trying to update my Spotify payment, but it’s not working. Time to give Apple Music another try


I've seen this pic get reposted so many times I go check Spotify to make sure I'm not tripping


so those two days that Spotify was down,,they were busy updating it to nonsense ?? mxim💔


Ok nvm. Spotify not working. Apple it is.


is it just me, or is anyone else been having issues listening to @MuellerSheWrote 's Daily Beans for like the last month. It doesnt work at release on Spotify or Overcast but then randomly will after a couple hours


Calm down, I just logged in to check out bugs 💀 (my now playing bar on Spotify disappears on my Android phone)


My biggest 1st world problems I would like changed immediately. 1. fix your shuffle spotify. It's the same 20 songs on my 3,000 song playlist. 2. When i filter to "comedy" on a movie list, don't include all the disney and kid films. Keep that in family.


sometimes my spotify car thing has a glitch and everything is blue


I have turned off autoplay on Spotify but it's still playing music after playlist ends does anybody knows what's happening and how to fix it??


@KermitmentPod It's not showing up on spotify 😕


Spotify glitch scared me so bad


Spotify Global Charts (May 06) #136 (-18). Love Me Again - 1,466,446 (+55,397) #169 (-23). FRI(END)S - 1,337,696 (+33,866)


is anyone else having issues with spotify randomly losing the now playing bar?


my spotify fully forgets how to shuffle when its offline and just plays one direction


spotify limiting free users to lyrics but they can’t even fix the lyrics for premium users is such a joke