
Is Stackoverflow down? ❌


Stack Overflow is a question and answer platform for programmers. It allows developers to ask questions and get answers from other programmers around the world. It covers a wide range of programming topics and has a large community of active users. Stack Overflow also includes features such as reputation points and badges to encourage participation and reward expertise.

No problems at Stackoverflow


Coding is Fun, Until you come across an Error That is not on StackOverFlow .


Today, I have allowed. Debugging node is not for the weak. For the past 24 hours I have read code from stack overflow and opened numerous articles online but alas! The problem is reading and sending cookies from the frontend to the backend. Anyone with the solution, inbox!


Spent days figuring out a bug using LLMs when all that was needed was to do a simple google search and click over the first stackoverflow link πŸ₯²


Devs found solution to thousands of problems spending hours and helping each other and now will give that data to ai in free, WTF?!! RIP Stackoverflow open ai patnership! What do u think?


When you find a solution on Stack Overflow that perfectly solves your problem: 'Thank you, random internet stranger.'πŸ™‚


OpenAI has partnered with StackOverflow, developers' go-to source for resolving coding issues. Hope the site stays relevant, helpful and reliable. 🀞🏽


Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.


After a long fight with errors finally I win... With the help or @StackOverflow not gtp or other ai... #CodingJourney #buildinpublic #win #development


does anyone here have experience with MERN, especially back end? Im using Ubuntu to host my backend but i get this SSL error that i can't fix for days. I tried Gpt and Stackoverflow, but nothing i did changed a thing. So if you can help pls do.


seems #ChatGPT is down and I'm realizing how dependent we r on it now πŸ˜­πŸ‘ from stackoverflow to open ai.. evolution πŸ™‚πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ


chatgpt is down , lets go back to stackoverflow lol


Life as a programmer: 10% writing code, 90% googling error messages. Thank goodness for Stack Overflow


I'm facing this error even after commenting out the gem. I've tried Stack Overflow and GPT but still can't find a solution. I'm a beginner and need help from an experienced developer to fix this issue. Thanks a lot!πŸ™


When you are an exceptional dev, who came across an error that no other dev has and now you don't get to copy solution from stack overflowπŸ₯²


if a library you use has a discord server and you are not in it, you're missing out. there's a good chance someone already experienced your problem creating a post in discord is a lot less demanding compared to github issues/stackoverflow question etc


The fact that when you're stuck and you go to #stackoverflow, and boom you see the exact issue word verbatim alongside the solution, is just mind blowing to me. Remains one of my favorite goto places when I'm stuck like rn.


I'm learning how to use Python for Backend Web dev....created a superuser admin account, faced some issues, but was able to fix it thanks to @StackOverflow I'm using @djangoproject docs to learn. Done with the second lesson. #learning #weekend #pythonprogramming


tried googling an error, and the first response was my as of yet unanswered stack overflow question 😭😭


Which one do you prefer to resolve your issue ? Stack Overflow Chat GPT Documentation Mine is: ChatGPT-4 (without paying)


Which one do you prefer to resolve your issue ? Stack Overflow Chat GPT Documentation


#FunFact I never received an error that doesn't exist on Stack Overflow.


So, Chrome 124 seems to be crashing a lot with "Aww Snap" with a stack overflow error. Anyone else seeing this? @googlechrome


The one thing I love about the internet is that there is always one person who has been in the exact same problem as you, but many years ago. I love you stackoverflow and programming discord servers.


Which one do you prefer to resolve your issue ? Stack Overflow Chat GPT Documentation


Who's your Friend for an Issue ?? Stack Overflow Chat GPT Documentation


This is peak Google 2024. Search for basic networking question. Get AI/SEO slop probably plagiarized first. The real answer written by humans (stack overflow/Ask Ubuntu) is down the page


When chatGPT tries to insist your problem must be related to the IDE even when you have explained 100 times you use vim.... this is when stackoverflow.


How amateur developers fix bugs: - Blindly copy paste code from Stack Overflow and Copilot - Don't ask help - Accept the first working solution How the pros do it - Read the error message - Ask help from teammates - Try to understand the "why"


Monday is: work.push(urgentThing); work.push(urgentThing); work.push(urgentThing); work.push(urgentThing); Stack overflow error!


Today while working on my Personal Project, I encountered a bug. After spending around 2-3 hours searching through Flutter documentation, YouTube, Stack Overflow, and even consulting GPT. I finally identified the issue: I had added an extra "tab" in my Pubspec.yaml file. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«