
Is Simple down? ❌

A simple neobank is a digital bank that offers basic banking services through a mobile app or website. These neobanks typically focus on providing a streamlined and user-friendly experience, without the complex features and services offered by traditional banks

No problems at Simple


🤔 Which simple error message catches your eye: 1️⃣, 2️⃣, or 3️⃣? Share your preference and why! Your feedback helps us improve. #UserExperience #Feedback


ChatGPT 3.5, so the free model has been super bad this week. Been arguing all day today on what would’ve been a simple code implementation a week or two weeks ago. I’ve found that it’s been wanting to create overcomplicated code that doesn’t even fit the problem.#openai #ChatGPT


10x now I've opened my text app to click on a text & a perfectly timed ad, before its even visible, pops up moving the chats down therefore opening the ad & link instead of the text. I just want an ad-free text app that does most simple things for free... am I asking too much?


Google is unusable. Just did a simple search. It gave me 5 ads and 6 websites that have been optimized for affiliate marketing.


i created a bug for myself in nextjs by exporting a simple helper function from one file full of server actions to another and not realizing that the bundler would turn it into an async function automatically even though i didn't mark it as such. i was very confused its ya boi


What's the go-to AI model for code? If a ******** such as myself can spot a simple error in the javascript ChatGPT is spitting out then I've got no hope of getting the result I need.


I am so not worried about AI because I keep giving it the simple prompts for very simple art that realistically it COULD do with near zero fault and it STILL somehow gives errors.


Seems like it may be a simple fix like a firmware update or something with the radar. Plus, both of those are still basically brand new from a new manufacturer, can't be too harsh on them...yet


a week to fix a simple coding error. also how many years are we in where every update they fix something but then break something. why’s it so hard to let creators or even developers TEST THE ******* GAME before dropping a big update like yoohoo it’s not that hard bruv


why chat is so crazy ? answer is simple @LayerZero_Labs and @PrimordialAA haunting sybil’s down ☠️


Fix the line, fix the running game. Simple as that.


I should have taken the person to @gtbank_help @gtbank_help @gtbank @FirstBankngr shame on you after 4 days u cannot open a simple savings account @FBN_help close down central area branch nonsense


Another game down! Ravenlok was a fun little reimagining of Alice in Wonderland - super simple adventure game! Now what game do I play...


How to build a rocket 101 Liquid Oxygen x Liquid Hydrogen = 🚀 *Also trial and error but lets keep it simple


please how i can improve on my problem solving skill I've been stuck on this somewhat simple game for quite some time now


i need like an app that givess me simple squations to do but not like a learning app


I can't wait for the next halo game to not have the most awful UI possible.... hopefully they just keep it simple and make it work and load quickly. Go back to reach / 3 UI methodology


sometimes a simple device restart can fix things source: experience


Premature optimization quote is badly misunderstood. Back in the day it meant micro-optimizing. Programs were simple C programs and pretty fast by default. If your architecture is not built for performance, no amount of micro-optimization will make it acceptable...


#es Very simple stuff today. Clean reactions. After "1", indicated, you don't have to keep hammering a zone - especially if you have a fresh untested zone above/below. Red zone held 3x. But again, if reactions from it look weak just stand aside #ym #nq #fdax #sp500 #dowjones #nasdaq #dax40 $es $ym


Update on my issues with App Store Connect slowness: @helm_app installed. It seems quite intuitive and simple, definitely another world, I'll try it in the next few days!


Thanks Windows 11 for making simple things much harder than before like not having a skip button in the OOBE when there’s no internet drivers loaded. 🫠


New video is out! Easily Catch ALL Items With This Simple Trick! Please consider watching the full video down below, and subscribe if you enjoyed! #SSBU #SSBU_Ness


Spent 90 minutes debugging why the Argo CD server pod was timing out on a simple refresh from the CLI. Turns out the application-controller pod was stuck such that all apps in the UI were showing the spinning Refresh button. Recycling the application-pod fixed the problem.


It's close to a month since I have raised a simple support ticket with @PaytmMoney. Every time I ask for update. The answer I get is we are looking into the issue and will get back with an update. Can the issue be looked at the earliest. #paytm #paytmmoney ID: 7014351402


Made a simple age calculator! 😁🤌 . . . . . Without error handling conditions!!🙃 #java #programming #funwithjava


Are your Discord servers overflowing with announcements? Here is a very simple and quick way to fix it! 👇


for years I've used this simple Google Sheet as a way to visualize net worth and balance sheet mix (yes it's manual, yes it's just a snapshot in time) using a live financial app is better for ongoing monitoring and live updates but few apps break it down this way


It's not ridiculous, it's quite simple: if the closer to an animal(that can't consent) a person is, the hotter it is to you, then that's an issue


I know it's super simple, but I'm proud (Idk why OBS slowed the game down, not a fan of that)